Markus Murschitz
Markus Murschitz
AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене ait.ac.at
Wilddash-creating hazard-aware benchmarks
O Zendel, K Honauer, M Murschitz, D Steininger, GF Dominguez
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 402-416, 2018
Railsem19: A dataset for semantic rail scene understanding
O Zendel, M Murschitz, M Zeilinger, D Steininger, S Abbasi, C Beleznai
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
How good is my test data? Introducing safety analysis for computer vision
O Zendel, M Murschitz, M Humenberger, W Herzner
International Journal of Computer Vision 125, 95-109, 2017
Cv-hazop: Introducing test data validation for computer vision
O Zendel, M Murschitz, M Humenberger, W Herzner
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2066-2074, 2015
Unifying panoptic segmentation for autonomous driving
O Zendel, M Schörghuber, B Rainer, M Murschitz, C Beleznai
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Guided matching based on statistical optical flow for fast and robust correspondence analysis
J Maier, M Humenberger, M Murschitz, O Zendel, M Vincze
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Analyzing computer vision data-the good, the bad and the ugly
O Zendel, K Honauer, M Murschitz, M Humenberger, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2017
Vitro-model based vision testing for robustness
O Zendel, W Herzner, M Murschitz
IEEE ISR 2013, 1-6, 2013
Railsem19: A dataset for semantic rail scene understanding. In 2019 IEEE
O Zendel, M Murschitz, M Zeilinger, D Steininger, S Abbasi, C Beleznai
CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW …, 2019
Joint Camera and LiDAR Risk Analysis
O Zendel, J Huemer, M Murschitz, GF Dominguez, A Lobe
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
PrimitivePose: 3D Bounding Box Prediction of Unseen Objects via Synthetic Geometric Primitives
A Kriegler, C Beleznai, M Murschitz, K Göbel, M Gelautz
2022 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 190-197, 2022
VITRO-Vision Testing for Robustness
O Zendel, W Herzner, M Murschitz
ERCIM News 97, 2014
An Experience Report on Requirements-Driven Model-Based Synthetic Vision Testing
M Murschitz, O Zendel, M Humenberger, C Sulzbachner, GF Domınguez
Workshop on Quality Assurance in Computer Vision at 28th International …, 2016
PrimitivePose: Generic Model and Representation for 3D Bounding Box Prediction of Unseen Objects.
A Kriegler, C Beleznai, M Gelautz, M Murschitz, K Göbel
International Journal of Semantic Computing 17 (3), 2023
CV-HAZOP: Introducing Test Data Validation for Computational Imaging
O Zendel, M Murschitz, M Humenberger
ERCIM News 108, 42-43, 2017
Creating Good Test Data
O Zendel, M Murschitz, GJF Dominguez, W Herzner
ECCV 2016 Workshop on Datasets and Performance Analysis in Early Vision, 2016
Low-discrepancy distribution of points on arbitrary polygonal 3D-surfaces
A Bulyha, W Herzner, M Murschitz, O Zendel
2014 International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications …, 2014
Low-Discrepancy of Points on Arbitrary Polygonal 3D-Surfaces
A Bulyha, W Herzner, M Murschitz, O Zendel
GRAPP 2014 (9th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications), 2014
Model-based Test-Case Generation for Testing Robustness of Vision Components of Robotic Systems
W Herzner, M Murschitz, O Zendel
SAFECOMP 2013-Workshop DECS (ERCIM/EWICS Workshop on Dependable Embedded and …, 2013
Composite Object Detection and 3D Pose Estimation: Diploma Thesis
F Wimmer, C Müller, M Murschitz
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