Linjun Zhang
Linjun Zhang
Zoox, Ford Motor Company, and University of Michigan
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Cited by
Motif-Based Design for Connected Vehicle Systems in Presence of Heterogeneous Connectivity Structures and Time Delays
L Zhang, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (6), 1638 - 1651, 2016
Adaptive boundary control for flexible two‐link manipulator based on partial differential equation dynamic model
L Zhang, J Liu
IET Control Theory & Applications 7 (1), 43-51, 2013
Hierarchical design of connected cruise control in the presence of information delays and uncertain vehicle dynamics
L Zhang, J Sun, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 26 (1), 139-150, 2017
Observer-based partial differential equation boundary control for a flexible two-link manipulator in task space
L Zhang, J Liu
IET Control Theory & Applications 6 (13), 2120-2133, 2012
Consensus and disturbance attenuation in multi‐agent chains with nonlinear control and time delays
L Zhang, G Orosz
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 27 (5), 781-803, 2017
Designing network motifs in connected vehicle systems: delay effects and stability
L Zhang, G Orosz
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 56147, V003T42A006, 2013
Seeing beyond the line of site–controlling connected automated vehicles
G Orosz, JI Ge, CR He, SS Avedisov, WB Qin, L Zhang
Mechanical Engineering 139 (12), S8-S12, 2017
Beyond-Line-of-Sight Identification by Using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
L Zhang, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (6), 1962-1972, 2018
Cooperative adaptive cruise control in mixed traffic with selective use of vehicle‐to‐vehicle communication
L Zhang
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 12 (10), 1243-1254, 2018
Nonlinear dynamics of connected vehicle systems with communication delays
L Zhang, G Orosz
American Control Conference, 2015
Motif-based analysis of connected vehicle systems: delay effects and stability
L Zhang, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (6), 1638-1651, 2016
Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) messaging system
L Zhang, HE Kourous-Harrigan
US Patent 10,757,551, 2020
Method and system for performing advanced driver assistance system functions using beyond line-of-sight situational awareness
S Huang, L Zhang
US Patent App. 15/380,217, 2018
Optimal trajectory control of flexible two-link manipulator based on PDE model
L Zhang, J Liu
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 4406-4411, 2012
Vehicle path identification
L Zhang
US Patent 10,802,492, 2020
Robust Stability Analysis for Connected Vehicle Systems
D Hajdu, L Zhang, T Insperger, G Orosz
IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems, 165-170, 2016
Motion prediction of human-driven vehicles in mixed traffic with connected autonomous vehicles
L Zhang, E Tseng
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 398-403, 2020
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication control
L Zhang, HE Kourous-Harrigan
US Patent 10,977,939, 2021
Safe decision and control of connected automated vehicles for an unprotected left turn
S Oh, L Zhang, E Tseng, W Williams, H Kourous, G Orosz
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 84270, V001T10A005, 2020
Prioritized vehicle messaging
L Zhang, HE Kourous-Harrigan
US Patent 10,755,565, 2020
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Articles 1–20