S. Jamshid Mousavi
S. Jamshid Mousavi
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology
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Application of fuzzy inference system in the prediction of wave parameters
MH Kazeminezhad, A Etemad-Shahidi, SJ Mousavi
Ocean Engineering 32 (14-15), 1709-1725, 2005
Analyses of the impact of climate change on water resources components, drought and wheat yield in semiarid regions: Karkheh River Basin in Iran
S Ashraf Vaghefi, SJ Mousavi, KC Abbaspour, R Srinivasan, H Yang
hydrological processes 28 (4), 2018-2032, 2014
Basin-wide water resources planning by integrating PSO algorithm and MODSIM
M Shourian, SJ Mousavi, A Tahershamsi
Water resources management 22, 1347-1366, 2008
Inferring operating rules for reservoir operations using fuzzy regression and ANFIS
SJ Mousavi, K Ponnambalam, F Karray
Fuzzy sets and systems 158 (10), 1064-1082, 2007
Game theory based models to analyze water conflicts in the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China
S Wei, H Yang, K Abbaspour, J Mousavi, A Gnauck
Water research 44 (8), 2499-2516, 2010
Short-term rainfall forecasting using machine learning-based approaches of PSO-SVR, LSTM and CNN
FR Aderyani, SJ Mousavi, F Jafari
Journal of Hydrology 614, 128463, 2022
Analysis of intra-country virtual water trade strategy to alleviate water scarcity in Iran
M Faramarzi, H Yang, J Mousavi, R Schulin, CR Binder, KC Abbaspour
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (8), 1417-1433, 2010
Integration of hydrologic and water allocation models in basin-scale water resources management considering crop pattern and climate change: Karkheh River Basin in Iran
S Ashraf Vaghefi, SJ Mousavi, KC Abbaspour, R Srinivasan, JR Arnold
Regional environmental change 15, 475-484, 2015
Automatic calibration of HEC‐HMS using single‐objective and multi‐objective PSO algorithms
B Kamali, SJ Mousavi, KC Abbaspour
Hydrological processes 27 (26), 4028-4042, 2013
Fuzzy-state stochastic dynamic programming for reservoir operation
SJ Mousavi, M Karamouz, MB Menhadj
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 130 (6), 460-470, 2004
A hybrid genetic algorithm–adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system in prediction of wave parameters
M Zanaganeh, SJ Mousavi, AFE Shahidi
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 22 (8), 1194-1202, 2009
Rule-based fuzzy system for assessing groundwater vulnerability
A Afshar, MA Marino, M Ebtehaj, J Moosavi
Journal of Environmental Engineering 133 (5), 532-540, 2007
Ensemble-based machine learning approach for improved leak detection in water mains
T Ravichandran, K Gavahi, K Ponnambalam, V Burtea, SJ Mousavi
Journal of Hydroinformatics 23 (2), 307-323, 2021
Reservoir operation using a dynamic programming fuzzy rule–based approach
SJ Mousavi, K Ponnambalam, F Karray
Water Resources Management 19, 655-672, 2005
Groundwater modeling under variable operating conditions using SWAT, MODFLOW and MT3DMS: A catchment scale approach to water resources management
M Ehtiat, S Jamshid Mousavi, R Srinivasan
Water resources management 32, 1631-1649, 2018
Fuzzy optimization model for earthwork allocations with imprecise parameters
S Mohamad Karimi, S Jamshid Mousavi, A Kaveh, A Afshar
Journal of construction engineering and management 133 (2), 181-190, 2007
A stochastic dynamic programming model with fuzzy storage states for reservoir operations
SJ Mousavi, K Mahdizadeh, A Afshar
Advances in Water Resources 27 (11), 1105-1110, 2004
Reliability-based simulation-optimization model for multireservoir hydropower systems operations: Khersan experience
R Afzali, SJ Mousavi, A Ghaheri
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 134 (1), 24-33, 2008
Multi-objective optimization-simulation for reliability-based inter-basin water allocation
S Jamshid Mousavi, NR Anzab, B Asl-Rousta, JH Kim
Water resources management 31, 3445-3464, 2017
Neural-network-based simulation-optimization model for water allocation planning at basin scale
M Shourian, SJ Mousavi, MB Menhaj, E Jabbari
Journal of Hydroinformatics 10 (4), 331-343, 2008
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Articles 1–20