Yu Chen
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Cited by
Mechanically exfoliated black phosphorus as a new saturable absorber for both Q-switching and mode-locking laser operation
Y Chen, G Jiang, S Chen, Z Guo, X Yu, C Zhao, H Zhang, Q Bao, S Wen, ...
Optics express 23 (10), 12823-12833, 2015
Ultra-short pulse generation by a topological insulator based saturable absorber
C Zhao, H Zhang, X Qi, Y Chen, Z Wang, S Wen, D Tang
Applied Physics Letters 101 (21), 211106, 2012
Ytterbium-doped fiber laser passively mode locked by few-layer Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) saturable absorber functioned with evanescent field interaction
J Du, Q Wang, G Jiang, C Xu, C Zhao, Y Xiang, Y Chen, S Wen, H Zhang
Scientific reports 4 (1), 6346, 2014
Wavelength-tunable picosecond soliton fiber laser with Topological Insulator: Bi2Se3 as a mode locker
C Zhao, Y Zou, Y Chen, Z Wang, S Lu, H Zhang, S Wen, D Tang
Optics express 20 (25), 27888-27895, 2012
Large energy, wavelength widely tunable, topological insulator Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser
Y Chen, C Zhao, S Chen, J Du, P Tang, G Jiang, H Zhang, S Wen, D Tang
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 20 (5), 1-1, 2014
Third order nonlinear optical property of Bi2Se3
S Lu, C Zhao, Y Zou, S Chen, Y Chen, Y Li, H Zhang, S Wen, D Tang
Optics express 21 (2), 2072-2082, 2013
Van der Waals stacked 2D layered materials for optoelectronics
W Zhang, Q Wang, Y Chen, Z Wang, ATS Wee
2D Materials 3 (2), 022001, 2016
Microwave and optical saturable absorption in graphene
Z Zheng, C Zhao, S Lu, Y Chen, Y Li, H Zhang, S Wen
Optics Express 20 (21), 23201-23214, 2012
Graphene–Bi2Te3 Heterostructure as Saturable Absorber for Short Pulse Generation
H Mu, Z Wang, J Yuan, S Xiao, C Chen, Y Chen, Y Chen, J Song, Y Wang, ...
Acs Photonics 2 (7), 832-841, 2015
Broadband and enhanced nonlinear optical response of MoS2/graphene nanocomposites for ultrafast photonics applications
Y Jiang, L Miao, G Jiang, Y Chen, X Qi, X Jiang, H Zhang, S Wen
Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-12, 2015
Switchable dual-wavelength synchronously Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser based on graphene saturable absorber
ZT Wang, Y Chen, CJ Zhao, H Zhang, SC Wen
IEEE Photonics Journal 4 (3), 869-876, 2012
Self-assembled topological insulator-Bi2Se3 membrane as a passive Q-switcher in an erbium-doped fiber laser
Y Chen, C Zhao, H Huang, S Chen, P Tang, Z Wang, S Lu, H Zhang, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (17), 2857-2863, 2013
The formation of various multi-soliton patterns and noise-like pulse in a fiber laser passively mode-locked by a topological insulator based saturable absorber
Y Chen, M Wu, P Tang, S Chen, J Du, G Jiang, Y Li, C Zhao, H Zhang, ...
Laser Physics Letters 11 (5), 055101, 2014
Generation and evolution of mode-locked noise-like square-wave pulses in a large-anomalous-dispersion Er-doped ring fiber laser
J Liu, Y Chen, P Tang, C Xu, C Zhao, H Zhang, S Wen
Optics Express 23 (5), 6418-6427, 2015
Wide spectral and wavelength-tunable dissipative soliton fiber laser with topological insulator nano-sheets self-assembly films sandwiched by PMMA polymer
Q Wang, Y Chen, L Miao, G Jiang, S Chen, J Liu, X Fu, C Zhao, H Zhang
Optics express 23 (6), 7681-7693, 2015
Few‐layer topological insulator for all‐optical signal processing using the nonlinear Kerr effect
S Chen, L Miao, X Chen, Y Chen, C Zhao, S Datta, Y Li, Q Bao, H Zhang, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 3 (12), 1769-1778, 2015
Soliton fiber laser mode locked with two types of film-based Bi2Te3 saturable absorbers
D Mao, B Jiang, X Gan, C Ma, Y Chen, C Zhao, H Zhang, J Zheng, J Zhao
Photonics Research 3 (2), A43-A46, 2015
Switchable dual-wavelength Q-switched fiber laser using multilayer black phosphorus as a saturable absorber
J Liu, Y Chen, Y Li, H Zhang, S Zheng, S Xu
Photonics Research 6 (3), 198-203, 2018
Sub-300 femtosecond soliton tunable fiber laser with all-anomalous dispersion passively mode locked by black phosphorus
Y Chen, S Chen, J Liu, Y Gao, W Zhang
Optics Express 24 (12), 13316-13324, 2016
Improved transfer quality of CVD-grown graphene by ultrasonic processing of target substrates: applications for ultra-fast laser photonics
G Zheng, Y Chen, H Huang, C Zhao, S Lu, S Chen, H Zhang, S Wen
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 (20), 10288-10293, 2013
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