Gonzalo Carvacho
Gonzalo Carvacho
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Challenging local realism with human choices
TBIGBT Collaboration
Nature 557, 212–216, 2018
Quantum key distribution with entangled photons generated on demand by a quantum dot
F Basso Basset, M Valeri, E Roccia, V Muredda, D Poderini, J Neuwirth, ...
Science advances 7 (12), eabe6379, 2021
Air-core fiber distribution of hybrid vector vortex-polarization entangled states
D Cozzolino, E Polino, M Valeri, G Carvacho, D Bacco, N Spagnolo, ...
Advanced Photonics 1 (4), 046005-046005, 2019
Entangled vector vortex beams
V D'Ambrosio, G Carvacho, F Graffitti, C Vitelli, B Piccirillo, L Marrucci, ...
Physical Review A 94 (3), 030304, 2016
Experimental learning of quantum states
A Rocchetto, S Aaronson, S Severini, G Carvacho, D Poderini, I Agresti, ...
Science advances 5 (3), eaau1946, 2019
Quantum violation of an instrumental test
R Chaves, G Carvacho, I Agresti, V Di Giulio, L Aolita, S Giacomini, ...
Nature Physics 14 (3), 291-296, 2018
Experimental violation of local causality in a quantum network
G Carvacho, F Andreoli, L Santodonato, M Bentivegna, R Chaves, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14775, 2017
Maximal qubit violation of n-locality inequalities in a star-shaped quantum network
F Andreoli, G Carvacho, L Santodonato, R Chaves, F Sciarrino
New Journal of Physics 19 (11), 113020, 2017
Long-distance distribution of genuine energy-time entanglement
A Cuevas, G Carvacho, G Saavedra, J Cariñe, WAT Nogueira, ...
Nature Communications 4 (1), 2871, 2013
Experimental violation of n-locality in a star quantum network
D Poderini, I Agresti, G Marchese, E Polino, T Giordani, A Suprano, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2467, 2020
Experimental bilocality violation without shared reference frames
F Andreoli, G Carvacho, L Santodonato, M Bentivegna, R Chaves, ...
Physical Review A 95 (6), 062315, 2017
Reconfigurable continuously-coupled 3D photonic circuit for boson sampling experiments
F Hoch, S Piacentini, T Giordani, ZN Tian, M Iuliano, C Esposito, ...
npj Quantum Information 8 (1), 55, 2022
Causal networks and freedom of choice in bell’s theorem
R Chaves, G Moreno, E Polino, D Poderini, I Agresti, A Suprano, ...
PRX Quantum 2 (4), 040323, 2021
Postselection-loophole-free Bell test over an installed optical fiber network
G Carvacho, J Carine, G Saavedra, Á Cuevas, J Fuenzalida, F Toledo, ...
Physical Review Letters 115 (3), 030503, 2015
Daylight entanglement-based quantum key distribution with a quantum dot source
FB Basset, M Valeri, J Neuwirth, E Polino, MB Rota, D Poderini, C Pardo, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 8 (2), 025002, 2023
Tunable two-photon quantum interference of structured light
V D’Ambrosio, G Carvacho, I Agresti, L Marrucci, F Sciarrino
Physical Review Letters 122 (1), 013601, 2019
Experimental investigation on the geometry of GHZ states
G Carvacho, F Graffitti, V D’Ambrosio, BC Hiesmayr, F Sciarrino
Scientific reports 7 (1), 13265, 2017
Device-independent test of a delayed choice experiment
E Polino, I Agresti, D Poderini, G Carvacho, G Milani, GB Lemos, ...
Physical Review A 100 (2), 022111, 2019
Experimental robust self-testing of the state generated by a quantum network
I Agresti, B Polacchi, D Poderini, E Polino, A Suprano, I Šupić, J Bowles, ...
PRX Quantum 2 (2), 020346, 2021
Experimental device-independent certified randomness generation with an instrumental causal structure
I Agresti, D Poderini, L Guerini, M Mancusi, G Carvacho, L Aolita, ...
Communications Physics 3 (1), 110, 2020
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