Damien Saucez
Damien Saucez
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Rules placement problem in OpenFlow networks: A survey
XN Nguyen, D Saucez, C Barakat, T Turletti
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (2), 1273-1286, 2015
Information-centric networking (ICN) research challenges
D Kutscher, S Eum, K Pentikousis, I Psaras, D Corujo, D Saucez, ...
LISP-TREE: a DNS hierarchy to support the lisp mapping system
L Jakab, A Cabellos-Aparicio, F Coras, D Saucez, O Bonaventure
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 28 (8), 1332-1343, 2010
OFFICER: A general optimization framework for OpenFlow rule allocation and endpoint policy enforcement
XN Nguyen, D Saucez, C Barakat, T Turletti
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 478-486, 2015
Optimizing rules placement in openflow networks: Trading routing for better efficiency
XN Nguyen, D Saucez, C Barakat, T Turletti
Proceedings of the third workshop on Hot topics in software defined …, 2014
Efficient caching in content-centric networks using OpenFlow
XN Nguyen, D Saucez, T Turletti
2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2013
Designing a deployable internet: The locator/identifier separation protocol
D Saucez, L Iannone, O Bonaventure, D Farinacci
IEEE Internet Computing 16 (6), 14-21, 2012
Interdomain traffic engineering in a locator/identifier separation context
D Saucez, B Donnet, L Iannone, O Bonaventure
2008 IEEE Internet Network Management Workshop (INM), 1-6, 2008
ICN research challenges
D Kutscher, S Eum, K Pentikousis, I Psaras, D Corujo, D Saucez, ...
Work in progress, 2014
Locator/ID separation protocol (LISP) map-versioning
L Iannone, D Saucez, O Bonaventure
A reputation-based approach for securing vivaldi embedding system
D Saucez, B Donnet, O Bonaventure
Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Services: 13th Open European Summer …, 2007
Implementing the locator/id separation protocol: Design and experience
L Iannone, D Saucez, O Bonaventure
Computer Networks 55 (4), 948-958, 2011
The OpenLISP control plane architecture
DC Phung, S Secci, D Saucez, L Iannone
IEEE Network 28 (2), 34-40, 2014
From network-level measurements to expected quality of experience: the skype use case
T Spetebroot, S Afra, N Aguilera, D Saucez, C Barakat
2015 IEEE International Workshop on Measurements & Networking (M&N), 1-6, 2015
An availability-aware sfc placement algorithm for fat-tree data centers
G Moualla, T Turletti, D Saucez
2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 1-4, 2018
Distrinet: A mininet implementation for the cloud
G Di Lena, A Tomassilli, D Saucez, F Giroire, T Turletti, C Lac
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 51 (1), 2-9, 2021
Lisp-security (lisp-sec)
F Maino, V Ermagan, C Albert, D Saucez
Providing CCN functionalities over OpenFlow switches
XN Nguyen, D Saucez, T Turletti
AIMD and CCN: past and novel acronyms working together in the Future Internet
D Saucez, LA Grieco, C Barakat
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM workshop on Capacity sharing, 21-26, 2012
Distributed privacy preserving platform for ridesharing services
Y Semenko, D Saucez
Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage …, 2019
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Articles 1–20