James Habyarimana
James Habyarimana
McCourt School of Public Policy
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Why does ethnic diversity undermine public goods provision?
J Habyarimana, M Humphreys, DN Posner, JM Weinstein
American political science review 101 (4), 709-725, 2007
Effects of a mobile phone short message service on antiretroviral treatment adherence in Kenya (WelTel Kenya1): a randomised trial
RT Lester, P Ritvo, EJ Mills, A Kariri, S Karanja, MH Chung, W Jack, ...
The Lancet 376 (9755), 1838-1845, 2010
Mobile phone technologies improve adherence to antiretroviral treatment in a resource-limited setting: a randomized controlled trial of text message reminders
C Pop-Eleches, H Thirumurthy, JP Habyarimana, JG Zivin, MP Goldstein, ...
Aids 25 (6), 825-834, 2011
Coethnicity: diversity and the dilemmas of collective action
J Habyarimana, M Humphreys, DN Posner, JM Weinstein
Russell Sage Foundation, 2009
School inputs, household substitution, and test scores
J Das, S Dercon, J Habyarimana, P Krishnan, K Muralidharan, ...
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 5 (2), 29-57, 2013
Teacher shocks and student learning: Evidence from Zambia
J Das, S Dercon, J Habyarimana, P Krishnan
Journal of Human resources 42 (4), 820-862, 2007
The HAART cell phone adherence trial (WelTel Kenya1): a randomized controlled trial protocol
RT Lester, EJ Mills, A Kariri, P Ritvo, M Chung, W Jack, J Habyarimana, ...
Trials 10, 1-10, 2009
The impact of HIV/AIDS and ARV treatment on worker absenteeism: implications for African firms
J Habyarimana, B Mbakile, C Pop-Eleches
Journal of Human Resources 45 (4), 809-839, 2010
Heckle and Chide: Results of a randomized road safety intervention in Kenya
J Habyarimana, W Jack
Journal of Public Economics 95 (11-12), 1438-1446, 2011
The effect of absenteeism and clinic protocol on health outcomes: the case of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Kenya
M Goldstein, JG Zivin, J Habyarimana, C Pop-Eleches, H Thirumurthy
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 5 (2), 58-85, 2013
The impact of public-private partnerships on private school performance: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Uganda
F Barrera-Osorio, PD Galbert, J Habyarimana, S Sabarwal
Economic Development and Cultural Change 68 (2), 429-469, 2020
When can school inputs improve test scores?
J Das, S Dercon, JP Habyarimana, P Krishnan
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2004
Differences between self-reported and electronically monitored adherence among patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in a resource-limited setting
H Thirumurthy, N Siripong, RC Vreeman, C Pop-Eleches, ...
Aids 26 (18), 2399-2403, 2012
Cash on delivery: Results of a randomized experiment to promote maternal health care in Kenya
KA Grépin, J Habyarimana, W Jack
Journal of health economics 65, 15-30, 2019
Effect of community health clubs on child diarrhoea in western Rwanda: cluster-randomised controlled trial
SS Sinharoy, WP Schmidt, R Wendt, L Mfura, E Crossett, KA Grépin, ...
The Lancet Global Health 5 (7), e699-e709, 2017
Cash transfers to cover clinic transportation costs improve adherence and retention in care in a HIV treatment program in rural Uganda
N Emenyonu, W Muyindike, J Habyarimana, C Pops-Eleches, ...
17th conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections, 16-19, 2010
Public and private funding of basic education in Zambia. Implications of budgetary allocations for service delivery
J Das, S Dercon, J Habyarimana, P Krishnan
Africa Region Human Development Working Paper Series 62, 2004
Is Ethnic Conflict Inevitable-Parting Ways over Nationalism and Separatism
J Habyarimana, M Humphreys, D Posner, J Weinstein
Foreign Aff. 87, 138, 2008
Placing and passing: Evidence from Uganda on ethnic identification and ethnic deception
J Habyarimana, M Humphreys, DN Posner, JM Weinstein
American Political Science Association, Chicago 30, 2007
An assessment of the investment climate in South Africa
V Ramachandran, G Clarke, DE Kaplan, J Habyarimana, M Ingram
World Bank Publications, 2007
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Articles 1–20