John C. Bernard
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Cited by
Consumer willingness to pay for sustainable apparel: The influence of labelling for fibre origin and production methods
G Hustvedt, JC Bernard
International Journal of Consumer Studies 32 (5), 491-498, 2008
What is it about organic milk? An experimental analysis
JC Bernard, DJ Bernard
American journal of agricultural economics 91 (3), 826-836, 2009
Influencing consumer purchase likelihood of organic food
K Gifford, JC Bernard
International Journal of Consumer Studies 30 (2), 155-163, 2006
Comparing willingness to pay for organic, natural, locally grown, and state marketing program promoted foods in the mid-Atlantic region
KA Onken, JC Bernard, JD Pesek
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 40 (1), 33-47, 2011
Effects of social responsibility labelling and brand on willingness to pay for apparel
G Hustvedt, JC Bernard
International Journal of Consumer Studies 34 (6), 619-626, 2010
The effect of information on consumers' willingness to pay for natural and organic chicken
K Gifford, JC Bernard
International Journal of Consumer Studies 35 (3), 282-289, 2011
Comparing parts with the whole: Willingness to pay for pesticide-free, non-GM, and organic potatoes and sweet corn
JC Bernard, DJ Bernard
Journal of agricultural and resource economics, 457-475, 2010
Asymmetric price relationships in the US broiler industry
JC Bernard, LS Willett
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 28 (2), 279-289, 1996
Catching the “local” bug: A look at state agricultural marketing programs
KA Onken, JC Bernard
Choices 25 (1), 2010
Do consumer responses to media food safety information last?
R Dillaway, KD Messer, JC Bernard, HM Kaiser
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 33 (3), 363-383, 2011
Are beliefs stronger than taste? A field experiment on organic and local apples
JC Bernard, Y Liu
Food Quality and Preference 61, 55-62, 2017
An experimental investigation of consumer willingness to pay for non-GM foods when an organic option is present
JC Bernard, C Zhang, K Gifford
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 35 (2), 374-385, 2006
Consumer preferences for tomatoes: the influence of local, organic, and state program promotions by purchasing venue
KA Carroll, JC Bernard, JD Pesek Jr
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 379-396, 2013
Energy auctions and market power: An experimental examination
RD Zimmerman, JC Bernard, RJ Thomas, W Schulze
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems …, 1999
Consumer preferences before and after a food safety scare: An experimental analysis of the 2010 egg recall
T Li, JC Bernard, ZA Johnston, KD Messer, HM Kaiser
Food Policy 66, 25-34, 2017
The influence of retail outlet and FSMA information on consumer perceptions of and willingness to pay for organic grape tomatoes
B Ellison, JC Bernard, M Paukett, UC Toensmeyer
Journal of Economic Psychology 55, 109-119, 2016
Asymmetric price response behavior of red delicious apples
L Schertz Willett, MR Hansmire, JC Bernard
Agribusiness: An International Journal 13 (6), 649-658, 1997
Does importance influence beliefs in organic food attributes?
K Britwum, JC Bernard, SE Albrecht
Food Quality and Preference, 104056, 2020
Do labels that convey minimal, redundant, or no information affect consumer perceptions and willingness to pay?
JC Bernard, JM Duke, SE Albrecht
Food Quality and Preference 71, 149-157, 2019
Neural network modelling and sensitivity analysis of a mechanical poultry catching system
S Jaiswal, ER Benson, JC Bernard, GL Van Wicklen
Biosystems Engineering 92 (1), 59-68, 2005
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Articles 1–20