Enrico Gerding
Enrico Gerding
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Financial news predicts stock market volatility better than close price
A Atkins, M Niranjan, E Gerding
The Journal of Finance and Data Science 4 (2), 120-137, 2018
Evaluating practical negotiating agents: Results and analysis of the 2011 international competition
T Baarslag, K Fujita, EH Gerding, K Hindriks, T Ito, NR Jennings, C Jonker, ...
Artificial Intelligence 198, 73-103, 2013
Automated trading with performance weighted random forests and seasonality
A Booth, E Gerding, F McGroarty
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (8), 3651-3661, 2014
Online mechanism design for electric vehicle charging
EH Gerding, V Robu, S Stein, DC Parkes, A Rogers, NR Jennings
International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2011
Method and system for automated marketing of attention area content
J La Poutre, S Bohte, E Gerding, F Bomhof, J Jonker, C Driessen
US Patent App. 10/189,149, 2003
A model-based online mechanism with pre-commitment and its application to electric vehicle charging
S Stein, E Gerding, V Robu, N Jennings
Multi-issue negotiation processes by evolutionary simulation, validation and social extensions
E Gerding, D Van Bragt, H La Poutré
Computational Economics 22, 39-63, 2003
Using gaussian processes to optimise concession in complex negotiations against unknown opponents
CR Williams, V Robu, EH Gerding, NR Jennings
Intention-aware routing of electric vehicles
MM de Weerdt, S Stein, EH Gerding, V Robu, NR Jennings
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (5), 1472-1482, 2015
An online mechanism for multi-unit demand and its application to plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging
V Robu, EH Gerding, S Stein, DC Parkes, A Rogers, NR Jennings
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 48, 175-230, 2013
When will negotiation agents be able to represent us? The challenges and opportunities for autonomous negotiators
T Baarslag, M Kaisers, E Gerding, CM Jonker, J Gratch
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Two-sided online markets for electric vehicle charging
E Gerding, S Stein, V Robu, D Zhao, NR Jennings
Proc. 12th Int. Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'13 …, 2013
Characterizing effective auction mechanisms: Insights from the 2007 TAC Mechanism Design Competition
J Niu, K Cai, S Parsons, E Gerding, P McBurney
Computing pure Bayesian-Nash equilibria in games with finite actions and continuous types
Z Rabinovich, V Naroditskiy, EH Gerding, NR Jennings
Artificial Intelligence 195, 106-139, 2013
Intention-aware routing to minimise delays at electric vehicle charging stations
MM De Weerdt, EH Gerding, S Stein, V Robu, NR Jennings
23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2013 …, 2013
A comparison of multitask and single task learning with artificial neural networks for yield curve forecasting
M Nunes, E Gerding, F McGroarty, M Niranjan
Expert Systems with Applications 119, 362-375, 2019
High frequency trading strategies, market fragility and price spikes: an agent based model perspective
F McGroarty, A Booth, E Gerding, VLR Chinthalapati
Annals of Operations Research 282 (1), 217-244, 2019
Incentives in ridesharing with deficit control
D Zhao, D Zhang, E Gerding, Y Sakurai, Y Makoto
Coordination and payment mechanisms for electric vehicle aggregators
A Perez-Diaz, E Gerding, F McGroarty
Applied energy 212, 185-195, 2018
Scientific approaches and techniques for negotiation: a game theoretic and artificial intelligence perspective
EH Gerding, DDB van Bragt, JA La Poutré
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 2000
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