Ronald Fischer
Ronald Fischer
Instituto D'Or de Pesquisa e Ensino & Victoria University of Wellington
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Refining the theory of basic individual values.
SH Schwartz, J Cieciuch, M Vecchione, E Davidov, R Fischer, C Beierlein, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 103 (4), 663, 2012
Differences between tight and loose cultures: A 33-nation study
MJ Gelfand, JL Raver, L Nishii, LM Leslie, J Lun, BC Lim, L Duan, ...
science 332 (6033), 1100-1104, 2011
Testing measurement invariance across groups: Applications in cross-cultural research
TL Milfont, R Fischer
International Journal of psychological research 3 (1), 111-130, 2010
Handbook of cultural intelligence: Theory, measurement, and applications
S Ang, L Van Dyne
Routledge, 2015
Understanding social psychology across cultures: Engaging with others in a changing world
PB Smith, MHH Bond, VL Vignoles, R Fischer
SAGE Publications Ltd, 2013
Reliability and validity of the revised experiences in close relationships (ECR-R) self-report measure of adult romantic attachment
CG Sibley, R Fischer, JH Liu
Personality and social psychology bulletin 31 (11), 1524-1536, 2005
National character does not reflect mean personality trait levels in 49 cultures
A Terracciano, AM Abdel-Khalek, N Adam, L Adamovová, C Ahn, H Ahn, ...
Science 310 (5745), 96-100, 2005
Whence differences in value priorities? Individual, cultural, or artifactual sources
R Fischer, S Schwartz
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 42 (7), 1127-1144, 2011
Beyond the ‘east–west’dichotomy: Global variation in cultural models of selfhood.
VL Vignoles, E Owe, M Becker, PB Smith, MJ Easterbrook, R Brown, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (8), 966, 2016
Standardization to account for cross-cultural response bias: A classification of score adjustment procedures and review of research in JCCP
R Fischer
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 35 (3), 263-282, 2004
Extreme rituals promote prosociality
D Xygalatas, P Mitkidis, R Fischer, P Reddish, J Skewes, AW Geertz, ...
Psychological science 24 (8), 1602-1605, 2013
Let’s dance together: Synchrony, shared intentionality and cooperation
P Reddish, R Fischer, J Bulbulia
PloS one 8 (8), e71182, 2013
How and when do personal values guide our attitudes and sociality? Explaining cross-cultural variability in attitude–value linkages.
D Boer, R Fischer
Psychological bulletin 139 (5), 1113, 2013
To be in synchrony or not? A meta-analysis of synchrony's effects on behavior, perception, cognition and affect
R Mogan, R Fischer, JA Bulbulia
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 72, 13-20, 2017
Commitment across cultures: A meta-analytical approach
R Fischer, A Mansell
Journal of International Business Studies 40, 1339-1358, 2009
What is more important for national well-being: money or autonomy? A meta-analysis of well-being, burnout, and anxiety across 63 societies.
R Fischer, D Boer
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (1), 164, 2011
A primer to (cross-cultural) multi-group invariance testing possibilities in R
R Fischer, JA Karl
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1507, 2019
Beyond culture learning theory: What can personality tell us about cultural competence?
J Wilson, C Ward, R Fischer
Journal of cross-cultural psychology 44 (6), 900-927, 2013
Structural equivalence of the values domain across cultures: Distinguishing sampling fluctuations from meaningful variation
JRJ Fontaine, YH Poortinga, L Delbeke, SH Schwartz
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 39 (4), 345-365, 2008
Teoria funcionalista dos valores humanos
VV Gouveia, TL Milfont, RD Fischer, WS Santos
Valores humanos & gestão: Novas perspectivas, 47, 2008
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Articles 1–20