Jiwen Lu (鲁继文)
Jiwen Lu (鲁继文)
Department of Automation, Tsinghua University
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PCANet: A Simple Deep Learning Baseline for Image Classification?
TH Chan, K Jia, S Gao, J Lu, Z Zeng, Y Ma
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (12), 5017-5032, 2015
Discriminative Deep Metric Learning for Face Verification in the Wild
J Hu, J Lu, YP Tan
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1875-1882, 2014
A Siamese Long Short-term Memory Architecture for Human Re-identification
RR Varior, B Shuai, J Lu, D Xu, G Wang
European Conference on Computer Vision, 135-153, 2016
Dynamicvit: Efficient vision transformers with dynamic token sparsification
Y Rao, W Zhao, B Liu, J Lu, J Zhou, CJ Hsieh
Advances in neural information processing systems 34, 13937-13949, 2021
Point-bert: Pre-training 3d point cloud transformers with masked point modeling
X Yu, L Tang, Y Rao, T Huang, J Zhou, J Lu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Deep Hashing for Compact Binary Codes Learning
VE Liong, J Lu, G Wang, P Moulin, J Zhou
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2475-2483, 2015
Runtime Neural Pruning
J Lin, Y Rao, J Lu, J Zhou
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2181-2191, 2017
Denseclip: Language-guided dense prediction with context-aware prompting
Y Rao, W Zhao, G Chen, Y Tang, Z Zhu, G Huang, J Zhou, J Lu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Neighborhood Repulsed Metric Learning for Kinship Verification
J Lu, X Zhou, YP Tan, Y Shang, J Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 36 (2), 331-345, 2014
Pointr: Diverse point cloud completion with geometry-aware transformers
X Yu, Y Rao, Z Wang, Z Liu, J Lu, J Zhou
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Global filter networks for image classification
Y Rao, W Zhao, Z Zhu, J Lu, J Zhou
Advances in neural information processing systems 34, 980-993, 2021
Deep Progressive Reinforcement Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
Y Tang, Y Tian, J Lu, P Li, J Zhou
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 5323-5332, 2018
Discriminative Multimanifold Analysis for Face Recognition from a Single Training Sample per Person
J Lu, YP Tan, G Wang
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 35 (1), 39-51, 2013
Learning Compact Binary Face Descriptor for Face Recognition
J Lu, VE Liong, X Zhou, J Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 37 (10), 2041 …, 2015
Learning Compact Binary Descriptors with Unsupervised Deep Neural Networks
K Lin, J Lu, CS Chen, J Zhou
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016
Structure-preserving super resolution with gradient guidance
C Ma, Y Rao, Y Cheng, C Chen, J Lu, J Zhou
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Deep Transfer Metric Learning
J Hu, J Lu, YP Tan
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 325-333, 2015
Multi-Task CNN Model for Attribute Prediction
AH Abdulnabi, G Wang, J Lu, K Jia
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17 (11), 1949-1959, 2015
Densepoint: Learning Densely Contextual Representation for Efficient Point Cloud Processing
Y Liu, B Fan, G Meng, J Lu, S Xiang, C Pan
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 5239-5248, 2019
COIN: A Large-Scale Dataset for Comprehensive Instructional Video Analysis
Y Tang, D Ding, Y Rao, Y Zheng, D Zhang, L Zhao, J Lu, J Zhou
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
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