Aleksey Tsipotan
Aleksey Tsipotan
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене sfu-kras.ru
Resonant light-controlled self-assembly of ordered nanostructures
VV Slabko, AS Tsipotan, AS Aleksandrovsky
Photonics and nanostructures-fundamentals and applications 10 (4), 636-643, 2012
State-of-art plasmonic photonic crystals based on self-assembled nanostructures
A Yadav, N Yadav, V Agrawal, SP Polyutov, AS Tsipotan, SV Karpov, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 (10), 3368-3383, 2021
Laser-induced wavelength-controlled self-assembly of colloidal quasi-resonant quantum dots
AS Tsipotan, MA Gerasimova, VV Slabko, AS Aleksandrovsky
Optics express 24 (10), 11145-11150, 2016
Dynamics of self-organized aggregation of resonant nanoparticles in a laser field
VV Slabko, AS Tsipotan, AS Aleksandrovsky, EA Slyusareva
Applied Physics B 117, 271-278, 2014
Self-organised aggregation of a pair of particles with different resonant frequencies and electric dipole moments of transitions, controlled by an external quasi-resonant field
VV Slabko, AS Tsipotan, AS Aleksandrovsky
Quantum electronics 43 (5), 458, 2013
Effect of visible and UV irradiation on the aggregation stability of CdTe quantum dots
AS Tsipotan, MA Gerasimova, AS Aleksandrovsky, SM Zharkov, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 18, 1-8, 2016
Brownian dynamics of the self-assembly of complex nanostructures in the field of quasi-resonant laser radiation
VS Kornienko, AS Tsipotan, AS Aleksandrovsky, VV Slabko
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 35, 100707, 2019
Comparative analysis of methods for enhancement of the photostability of CdTe@ TGA QD colloid solutions
AS Tsipotan, MA Gerasimova, SP Polyutov, AS Aleksandrovsky, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (23), 5876-5881, 2017
Three-dimensional model of quantum dots' self-assembly under the action of laser radiation
VA Tkachenko, AS Tsipotan, AS Aleksandrovsky, VV Slabko
Компьютерная оптика 41 (4), 577-580, 2017
Self-assembly of nanoparticles controlled by resonant laser light
AS Tsipotan, VV Slabko, AS Aleksandrovsky, NV Abuzova
Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2015
Управляемая самоорганизация квазирезонансных наночастиц в поле лазерного излучения
АС Ципотан, АС Александровский, НЭ Лямкина, ВВ Слабко
Известия высших учебных заведений. Физика 56 (2-2), 314-319, 2013
Magnetic circular dichroism of CdTe nanoparticles
AV Malakhovskii, AE Sokolov, AS Tsipotan, SM Zharkov, VN Zabluda
Physics Letters A 382 (14), 980-983, 2018
Photostability of CdTe Quantum Dots and Graphene Quantum Dots under their Continuous Visible and UV Irradiation
MA Goryunova, AS Tsipotan, VV Slabko
Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2021
Simulating the absorption spectra of pairs of nanoparticles
NV Abuzova, AS Tsipotan, VV Slabko
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 79 (2), 186-189, 2015
The possibility of self-assembly of complex nanostructures with pre-defined geometry under the action of laser field
VS Kornienko, AS Tsipotan, AS Aleksandrovsky, VV Slabko
AIP Conference Proceedings 2164 (1), 2019
Self-assembly of three nanoparticles in structures with a predetermined geometry controlled by quasiresonant laser field
VS Kornienko, AS Tsipotan, VV Slabko
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия «Математика и физика» 11 …, 2018
The possibility of creation of rotary-type source of seismic transverse waves with electromagnetic excitation
V Detkov, V Slabko, G Shaidurov, M Kopylov, A Tsipotan
Engineering & Technologies 6 (1), 61-68, 2013
Управляемая внешним квазирезонансным полем самоорганизованная агрегация пары частиц с разными резонансными частотами и электродипольными моментами переходов
ВВ Слабко, АС Ципотан, АС Александровский
Квантовая электроника 43 (5), 458-462, 2013
О возможности создания роторного источника сейсмических поперечных волн с электромагнитным возбуждением
ВА Детков, ВВ Слабко, ГЯ Шайдуров, МА Копылов, АС Ципотан
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии 6 (1), 61-68, 2013
Differential laser atmospheric remote sensing system for environmental monitoring
SL Verkhoshentseva, OV Nepomnyashiy, AS Tsipotan, LV Makuha
2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 01-01, 2022
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