Semyon Bodrov
Cited by
Cited by
A mitochondrial genome phylogeny of voles and lemmings (Rodentia: Arvicolinae): Evolutionary and taxonomic implications
NI Abramson, SY Bodrov, OV Bondareva, EA Genelt-Yanovskiy, ...
PLoS One 16 (11), e0248198, 2021
New insights into the molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of the family Issidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea)
VM Gnezdilov, FV Konstantinov, SY Bodrov
Труды Зоологического института РАН 324 (1), 146-161, 2020
Toward assembling a taxonomic puzzle: Case study of Iranian gray voles of the subgenus Microtus (Rodentia, Cricetidae)
F Golenishchev, V Malikov, T Petrova, S Bodrov, N Abramson
Mammalian Biology 94, 98-105, 2019
Sympatric area of Myodes glareolus and M. rutilus (Rodentia, Cricetidae): Historic and recent hybridization
EN Melnikova, IA Kshnyasev, SY Bodrov, SV Mukhacheva, YA Davydova, ...
Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 314 (4), 307-323, 2012
Revision of the taxonomic position of the Olkhon mountain vole (Rodentia, Cricetidae)
SY Bodrov, AY Kostygov, LV Rudneva, NI Abramson
Biology Bulletin 43, 136-145, 2016
On taxonomic status of shield-head vipers from Turkish Lesser Caucasus and East Anatolia
BS Tuniyev, A Avcı, Ç Ilgaz, K Olgun, TV Petrova, SY Bodrov, P Geniez, ...
Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 322 (1), 3-44, 2018
Signatures of adaptation in mitochondrial genomes of Palearctic subterranean voles (Arvicolinae, Rodentia)
O Bondareva, E Genelt-Yanovskiy, T Petrova, S Bodrov, A Smorkatcheva, ...
Genes 12 (12), 1945, 2021
Genetic differentiation and phylogeography of Сlethrionomys rutilus Pallas 1811 inferred from variation of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene
NI Abramson, SY Bodrov
11th International conference «Rodens et Spatium» on Rodent Biology. Myshkin …, 2008
Evolutionary history of mountain voles of the subgenus Aschizomys (Cricetidae, Rodentia), inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear markers
SY Bodrov, VK Vasiljeva, IM Okhlopkov, NV Mamayev, ES Zakharov, ...
Integrative zoology 15 (3), 187-201, 2020
How voles adapt to subterranean lifestyle: Insights from RNA-seq
O Bondareva, T Petrova, S Bodrov, M Gavrilo, A Smorkatcheva, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1085993, 2023
Phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic position of genus Hyperacrius (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) from Kashmir based on evidences from analysis of mitochondrial genome and study …
NI Abramson, FN Golenishchev, SY Bodrov, OV Bondareva, ...
PeerJ 8, e10364, 2020
The complete mitochondrial genomes of three Ellobius mole vole species (Rodentia: Arvicolinae)
OV Bondareva, A Mahmoudi, SY Bodrov, EA Genelt-Yanovskiy, ...
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 5 (3), 2485-2487, 2020
Inferring phylogenetic structure, taxa hybridization, and divergence times within rock voles of subgenus Aschizomys (Cricetidae: Alticola) using quaddRAD sequencing and a …
IA Dvoyashov, SY Bodrov, NV Mamaev, ES Glagoleva, NI Abramson
Ecology and Evolution 13 (12), e10742, 2023
Ревизия таксономического положения ольхонской полевки (Rodentia, Cricetidae)
СЮ Бодров, АЮ Костыгов, ЛВ Руднева, НИ Абрамсон
Известия Российской академии наук. Серия биологическая, 171-171, 2016
Parvatrema spp.(Digenea, Gymnophallidae) with parthenogenetic metacercariae: Diversity, distribution and host specificity in the palaearctic
KV Galaktionov, A Gonchar, D Postanogova, A Miroliubov, SY Bodrov
International Journal for Parasitology 54 (7), 333-355, 2024
In Search of the Elusive North: Evolutionary History of the Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus) in the Palearctic from the Late Pleistocene to the Recent Inferred from …
VA Panitsina, SY Bodrov, ES Boulygina, NV Slobodova, PA Kosintsev, ...
Biology 12 (12), 1517, 2023
A Cybertaxonomic revision of the “Crocidura pergrisea” species complex with a special focus on endemic rocky shrews: Crocidura armenica and Crocidura arispa (Soricidae)
LL Voyta, TV Petrova, VA Panitsina, SY Bodrov, V Winkler, LY Kryuchkova, ...
Biology 13 (6), 448, 2024
Evolution and phylogeny of the family Issidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha): African and American branches
VM Gnezdilov, FV Konstantinov, VA Panitsina, SY Bodrov
Animal Taxonomy and Ecology, 2024
Complete mitochondrial genomes of Asian endemic white-toothed shrews: Crocidura armenica and C. serezkyensis (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae)
LL Voyta, TV Petrova, VA Panitsina, SY Bodrov, NI Abramson
RJT 23, 2024
The Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Dendrogale murina (Tupaiidae) and Phylogeny of Scandentia
T Petrova, O Bondareva, S Bodrov, A Abramov, N Abramson
Genes 14 (3), 624, 2023
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Articles 1–20