Amy Schafer
Amy Schafer
Professor of Linguistics, University of Hawaii
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Intonational disambiguation in sentence production and comprehension
AJ Schafer, SR Speer, P Warren, SD White
Journal of psycholinguistic research 29, 169-182, 2000
Prosodic parsing: The role of prosody in sentence comprehension
AJ Schafer
University of Massachusetts Amherst, 1997
Focus in relative clause construal
AJ Schafer, J Carter, C Clifton, L Frazier
Language and Cognitive Processes 11 (1-2), 135-164, 1996
Coreference and discourse coherence in L2: The roles of grammatical aspect and referential form
T Grüter, H Rohde, AJ Schafer
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7 (2), 199-229, 2017
Focus and the interpretation of pitch accent: Disambiguating embedded questions
A Schafer, K Carlson, H Clifton jr, L Frazier
Language and speech 43 (1), 75-105, 2000
Prosodic influences on the production and comprehension of syntactic ambiguity in a game-based conversation task
AJ Schafer, SR Speer, P Warren, SD White
Approaches to studying world-situated language use, 209-225, 2005
The role of discourse-level expectations in non-native speakers' referential choices
T Grüter, H Rohde, A Schafer
Boston University Conference on Language Development 38, 179-191, 2014
A psycholinguistic tool for the assessment of language loss: The HALA project
W O'Grady, AJ Schafer, J Perla, OS Lee, J Wieting
University of Hawai'i Press, 2009
Situationally independent prosodic phrasing
SR Speer, P Warren, AJ Schafer
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 2 (1), 35-98, 2011
Effects of accentual phrasing on adjective interpretation in Korean
A Schafer, SA Jun
East Asian language processing, 223-255, 2002
Constituent length affects prosody and processing for a dative NP ambiguity in Korean
H Hwang, AJ Schafer
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 38, 151-175, 2009
Intonation and sentence processing
SR Speer, P Warren, A Schafer
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 95-105, 2003
Wanna-contraction and prosodic disambiguation in US and NZ English
P Warren, S Speer, A Schafer
Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics 15, 31-49, 2003
Prosodic resolution of prepositional phrase ambiguity in ambiguous and unambiguous situations
P Warren, AJ Schafer, SR Speer, SD White
UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 5-34, 2000
Online construction of implicature through contrastive prosody
HY Dennison, AJ Schafer
Speech prosody, 2010
One word at a time: mental representations of object shape change incrementally during sentence processing
M Sato, AJ Schafer, BK Bergen
Language and Cognition 5 (4), 345-373, 2013
Empathy influences how listeners interpret intonation and meaning when words are ambiguous
N Esteve-Gibert, AJ Schafer, B Hemforth, C Portes, C Pozniak, ...
Memory & cognition 48, 566-580, 2020
Metaphor priming in sentence production: Concrete pictures affect abstract language production
M Sato, AJ Schafer, BK Bergen
Acta Psychologica 156, 136-142, 2015
Effects of event-structure and topic/focus-marking on pronoun reference in Korean
K Kim, T Grüter, AJ Schafer
Poster presented at the 26th annual CUNY conference on human sentence …, 2013
Intersentential coreference expectations reflect mental models of events
T Grüter, A Takeda, H Rohde, AJ Schafer
Cognition 177, 172-176, 2018
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Articles 1–20