Spike W. S. Lee
Spike W. S. Lee
Rotman School of Management and Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
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Does culture influence what and how we think? Effects of priming individualism and collectivism.
D Oyserman, SWS Lee
Psychological bulletin 134 (2), 311, 2008
Priming" culture": Culture as situated cognition
D Oyserman
Hanbook ofcultural psychology/Guilford Press, 2007
Dirty hands and dirty mouths: Embodiment of the moral-purity metaphor is specific to the motor modality involved in moral transgression
SWS Lee, N Schwarz
Psychological science 21 (10), 1423-1425, 2010
Bidirectionality, mediation, and moderation of metaphorical effects: the embodiment of social suspicion and fishy smells.
SWS Lee, N Schwarz
Journal of personality and social psychology 103 (5), 737, 2012
Washing away postdecisional dissonance
SWS Lee, N Schwarz
Science 328 (5979), 709-709, 2010
Wiping the slate clean: Psychological consequences of physical cleansing
SWS Lee, N Schwarz
Current directions in psychological science 20 (5), 307-311, 2011
Contextualism as an important facet of individualism-collectivism: Personhood beliefs across 37 national groups
E Owe, VL Vignoles, M Becker, R Brown, PB Smith, SWS Lee, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 44 (1), 24-45, 2013
Am I doing better than you? That depends on whether you ask me in English or Chinese: Self-enhancement effects of language as a cultural mindset prime
SWS Lee, D Oyserman, MH Bond
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (5), 785-791, 2010
A situated cognition perspective on culture: Effects of priming cultural syndromes on cognition and motivation
D Oyserman, SWS Lee
Metaphor in judgment and decision making.
SWS Lee, N Schwarz
American Psychological Association, 2014
Framing love: When it hurts to think we were made for each other
SWS Lee, N Schwarz
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 54, 61-67, 2014
A cultural look at moral purity: Wiping the face clean
SWS Lee, H Tang, J Wan, X Mai, C Liu
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 129142, 2015
Why are people antiscience, and what can we do about it?
A Philipp-Muller, SWS Lee, RE Petty
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (30), e2120755119, 2022
Maggots and morals: Physical disgust is to fear as moral disgust is to anger
SWS Lee, PC Ellsworth
Clean-moral effects and clean-slate effects: Physical cleansing as an embodied procedure of psychological separation
SWS Lee, N Schwarz
Purity and Danger Now, 148-173, 2017
Embodied cognition, sensory marketing, and the conceptualization of consumers’ judgment and decision processes: Introduction to the issue
A Krishna, SWS Lee, X Li, N Schwarz
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 2 (4), 377-381, 2017
Technology may change cognition without necessarily harming it
L Cecutti, A Chemero, SWS Lee
Nature Human Behaviour 5 (8), 973-975, 2021
Grounded procedures: A proximate mechanism for the psychology of cleansing and other physical actions
SWS Lee, N Schwarz
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44, e1, 2021
Sneezing in times of a flu pandemic: Public sneezing increases perception of unrelated risks and shifts preferences for federal spending
SWS Lee, N Schwarz, D Taubman, M Hou
Psychological Science 21 (3), 375-377, 2010
Three mechanisms of mind–body influence: Feelings, concepts, and procedures.
SWS Lee, L Cecutti
American Psychological Association, 2022
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Articles 1–20