Michael Traugott
Michael Traugott
Professor of Communication Studies, University of Michigan
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Web survey design and administration
MP Couper, MW Traugott, MJ Lamias
Public opinion quarterly 65 (2), 230-253, 2001
Response validity in surveysof voting behavior
MW Traugott, JP Katosh
Public Opinion Quarterly 43 (3), 359-377, 1979
Reducing vote overreporting in surveys: Social desirability, memory failure, and source monitoring
RF Belli, MW Traugott, M Young, KA McGonagle
The Public Opinion Quarterly 63 (1), 90-108, 1999
Who votes by mail?: A dynamic model of the individual-level consequences of voting-by-mail systems
AJ Berinsky, N Burns, MW Traugott
Public opinion quarterly 65 (2), 178-197, 2001
The consequences of validated and self-reported voting measures
JP Katosh, MW Traugott
Public Opinion Quarterly 45 (4), 519-535, 1981
Campaigning for congress
EN Goldenberg, MW Traugott
(No Title), 1984
What leads to voting overreports? Contrasts of overreporters to validated voters and admitted nonvoters in the American National Election Studies
RF Belli, MW Traugott, MN Beckmann
Journal of Official Statistics 17 (4), 479, 2001
The SAGE handbook of public opinion research
W Donsbach, MW Traugott
Sage, 2007
Little white lies and social science models correlated response errors in a panel study of voting
S Presser, M Traugott
Public Opinion Quarterly 56 (1), 77-86, 1992
Voting technology: The not-so-simple act of casting a ballot
PS Herrnson, RG Niemi, MJ Hanmer
Rowman & Littlefield, 2009
A review and proposal for a new measure of poll accuracy
EA Martin, MW Traugott, C Kennedy
Public Opinion Quarterly 69 (3), 342-369, 2005
Using dual frame designs to reduce nonresponse in telephone surveys
MW Traugott, RM Groves, JM Lepkowski
Public Opinion Quarterly 51 (4), 522-539, 1987
The accuracy of the national preelection polls in the 2004 presidential election
MW Traugott
Public Opinion Quarterly 69 (5), 642-654, 2005
The voter's guide to election polls
PDMW Traugott, PDPJ Lavrakas
Lulu. com, 2016
Assessing the accuracy of polls and surveys
PE Converse, MW Traugott
Science 234 (4780), 1094-1098, 1986
The impact of voting by mail on voter behavior
MJ Hanmer, MW Traugott
American Politics Research 32 (4), 375-405, 2004
Motivated reasoning in the perceived credibility of public opinion polls
O Kuru, J Pasek, MW Traugott
Public opinion quarterly 81 (2), 422-446, 2017
The polls—a review: Exit polls in the 1989 Virginia gubernatorial race: Where did they go wrong?
MW Traugott, V Price
Public Opinion Quarterly 56 (2), 245-253, 1992
Risk perception mapping: Using ethnography to define the locally affected population for a low‐level radioactive waste storage facility in Michigan
RW Stoffle, MW Traugott, JV Stone, PD McIntyre, FV Jensen, ...
American Anthropologist 93 (3), 611-635, 1991
Group cues and ideological constraint: A replication of political advertising effects studies in the lab and in the field
NA Valentino, MW Traugott, VL Hutchings
Political Communication 19 (1), 29-48, 2002
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Articles 1–20