Tom Gedeon
Tom Gedeon
Human-Centric Advancements Chair in AI, Curtin University
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Cited by
Static facial expression analysis in tough conditions: Data, evaluation protocol and benchmark
A Dhall, R Goecke, S Lucey, T Gedeon
2011 IEEE international conference on computer vision workshops (ICCV …, 2011
Collecting large, richly annotated facial-expression databases from movies
A Dhall, R Goecke, S Lucey, T Gedeon
IEEE multimedia 19 (3), 34, 2012
Objective measures, sensors and computational techniques for stress recognition and classification: A survey
N Sharma, T Gedeon
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 108 (3), 1287-1301, 2012
Video and image based emotion recognition challenges in the wild: Emotiw 2015
A Dhall, OV Ramana Murthy, R Goecke, J Joshi, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on international conference on multimodal …, 2015
Artificial neural networks: a new method for mineral prospectivity mapping
WM Brown, TD Gedeon, DI Groves, RG Barnes
Australian journal of earth sciences 47 (4), 757-770, 2000
Image dehazing transformer with transmission-aware 3d position embedding
CL Guo, Q Yan, S Anwar, R Cong, W Ren, C Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Emotion recognition using PHOG and LPQ features
A Dhall, A Asthana, R Goecke, T Gedeon
2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition …, 2011
A generalized concept for fuzzy rule interpolation
P Baranyi, LT Kóczy, TD Gedeon
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 12 (6), 820-837, 2004
Data mining of inputs: analysing magnitude and functional measures
TD Gedeon
International journal of neural systems 8 (02), 209-218, 1997
Network Reduction Techniques
DH Gedeon, T.D.
Proceedings International Conference on Neural Networks Methodologies and …, 1991
Emotion recognition in the wild challenge 2014: Baseline, data and protocol
A Dhall, R Goecke, J Joshi, K Sikka, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on multimodal interaction …, 2014
From individual to group-level emotion recognition: Emotiw 5.0
A Dhall, R Goecke, S Ghosh, J Joshi, J Hoey, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on multimodal …, 2017
Emotion recognition in the wild challenge 2013
A Dhall, R Goecke, J Joshi, M Wagner, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 15th ACM on International conference on multimodal …, 2013
Simulating content consistent vehicle datasets with attribute descent
Y Yao, L Zheng, X Yang, M Naphade, T Gedeon
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Invertible denoising network: A light solution for real noise removal
Y Liu, Z Qin, S Anwar, P Ji, D Kim, S Caldwell, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
Emotiw 2016: Video and group-level emotion recognition challenges
A Dhall, R Goecke, J Joshi, J Hoey, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on multimodal …, 2016
Simulated annealing and weight decay in adaptive learning: The SARPROP algorithm
NK Treadgold, TD Gedeon
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9 (4), 662-668, 1998
Fuzzy rule interpolation for multidimensional input spaces with applications: A case study
KW Wong, D Tikk, TD Gedeon, LT Kóczy
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 13 (6), 809-819, 2005
Emotiw 2018: Audio-video, student engagement and group-level affect prediction
A Dhall, A Kaur, R Goecke, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal …, 2018
A neural micro-expression recognizer
Y Liu, H Du, L Zheng, T Gedeon
2019 14th IEEE international conference on automatic face & gesture …, 2019
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Articles 1–20