Egor Vorontsov
Egor Vorontsov
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Cited by
Absolute yeast mitochondrial proteome quantification reveals trade-off between biosynthesis and energy generation during diauxic shift
F Di Bartolomeo, C Malina, K Campbell, M Mormino, J Fuchs, E Vorontsov, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (13), 7524-7535, 2020
Nitrogen limitation reveals large reserves in metabolic and translational capacities of yeast
R Yu, K Campbell, R Pereira, J Björkeroth, Q Qi, E Vorontsov, C Sihlbom, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1881, 2020
The BRCA2-MEILB2-BRME1 complex governs meiotic recombination and impairs the mitotic BRCA2-RAD51 function in cancer cells
J Zhang, M Gurusaran, Y Fujiwara, K Zhang, M Echbarthi, E Vorontsov, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2055, 2020
Evolution of Helicobacter: Acquisition by Gastric Species of Two Histidine-Rich Proteins Essential for Colonization
D Vinella, F Fischer, E Vorontsov, J Gallaud, C Malosse, V Michel, ...
PLoS pathogens 11 (12), e1005312, 2015
Abundant lysine methylation and N-terminal acetylation in Sulfolobus islandicus revealed by bottom-up and top-down proteomics
EA Vorontsov, E Rensen, D Prangishvili, M Krupovic, J Chamot-Rooke
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 15 (11), 3388-3404, 2016
Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Skin Peptidome of Russian Brown Frog Rana temporaria
TY Samgina, EA Vorontsov, VA Gorshkov, E Hakalehto, O Hanninen, ...
Journal of Proteome Research 11 (12), 6213-6222, 2012
Lipid droplet-associated kinase STK25 regulates peroxisomal activity and metabolic stress response in steatotic liver [S]
A Nerstedt, Y Kurhe, E Cansby, M Caputo, L Gao, E Vorontsov, ...
Journal of lipid research 61 (2), 178-191, 2020
Quantifying absolute gene expression profiles reveals distinct regulation of central carbon metabolism genes in yeast
R Yu, E Vorontsov, C Sihlbom, J Nielsen
Elife 10, e65722, 2021
A bacteriophage enzyme induces bacterial metabolic perturbation that confers a novel promiscuous function
JJ Hultqvist, O Warsi, A Söderholm, M Knopp, U Eckhard, E Vorontsov, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (8), 1321-1330, 2018
Mass spectrometric study of bradykinin‐related peptides (BRPs) from the skin secretion of Russian ranid frogs
TY Samgina, VA Gorshkov, YA Vorontsov, KA Artemenko, RA Zubarev, ...
Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 25 (7), 933-940, 2011
Glycosaminoglycan domain mapping of cellular chondroitin/dermatan sulfates
A Persson, E Vorontsov, G Larson, J Nilsson
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 3506, 2020
Optimized sample preparation and data analysis for TMT proteomic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid applied to the identification of Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers
S Weiner, M Sauer, PJ Visser, BM Tijms, E Vorontsov, K Blennow, ...
Clinical Proteomics 19 (1), 13, 2022
Mass spectrometric de novo sequencing of natural non‐tryptic peptides: comparing peculiarities of collision‐induced dissociation (CID) and high energy collision dissociation (HCD)
TY Samgina, EA Vorontsov, VA Gorshkov, KA Artemenko, RA Zubarev, ...
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 28 (23), 2595-2604, 2014
Telomeric double-strand DNA-binding proteins DTN-1 and DTN-2 ensure germline immortality in Caenorhabditis elegans
I Yamamoto, K Zhang, J Zhang, E Vorontsov, H Shibuya
Elife 10, e64104, 2021
Collision-induced dissociation fragmentation inside disulfide C-terminal loops of natural non-tryptic peptides
TY Samgina, EA Vorontsov, VA Gorshkov, KA Artemenko, RA Zubarev, ...
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 24 (7), 1037-1044, 2013
Identification of a non-canonical chondroitin sulfate linkage region trisaccharide
A Persson, J Nilsson, E Vorontsov, F Noborn, G Larson
Glycobiology 29 (5), 366-371, 2019
Strain improvement of Pichia kudriavzevii TY13 for raised phytase production and reduced phosphate repression
L Qvirist, E Vorontsov, J Veide Vilg, T Andlid
Microbial biotechnology 10 (2), 341-353, 2017
LC–MS/MS with 2D mass mapping of skin secretions’ peptides as a reliable tool for interspecies identification inside Rana esculenta complex
TY Samgina, VA Gorshkov, KA Artemenko, EA Vorontsov, OV Klykov, ...
Peptides 34 (2), 296-302, 2012
Mice exposed to maternal androgen excess and diet-induced obesity have altered phosphorylation of catechol-O-methyltransferase in the placenta and fetal liver
R Fornes, M Manti, X Qi, E Vorontsov, C Sihlbom, J Nyström, E Jerlhag, ...
International Journal of Obesity 43 (11), 2176-2188, 2019
Mass spectral study of the skin peptide of brown frog Rana temporaria from Zvenigorod population
TY Samgina, VA Gorshkov, YA Vorontsov, KA Artemenko, SV Ogourtsov, ...
Journal of Analytical Chemistry 66, 1353-1360, 2011
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