Josie Ashe
Josie Ashe
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене exeter.ac.uk
Beaver dams attenuate flow: A multi‐site study
A Puttock, HA Graham, J Ashe, DJ Luscombe, RE Brazier
Hydrological processes 35 (2), e14017, 2021
How does drainage alter the hydrology of shallow degraded peatlands across multiple spatial scales?
DJ Luscombe, K Anderson, E Grand-Clement, N Gatis, J Ashe, P Benaud, ...
Journal of hydrology 541, 1329-1339, 2016
Assessing the impact of peat erosion on growing season CO2 fluxes by comparing erosional peat pans and surrounding vegetated haggs
N Gatis, P Benaud, J Ashe, DJ Luscombe, E Grand-Clement, IP Hartley, ...
Wetlands Ecology and Management 27, 187-205, 2019
Drain blocking has limited short-term effects on greenhouse gas fluxes in a Molinia caerulea dominated shallow peatland
N Gatis, DJ Luscombe, P Benaud, J Ashe, E Grand-Clement, K Anderson, ...
Ecological Engineering 158, 106079, 2020
Peatland restoration increases water storage and attenuates downstream stormflow but does not guarantee an immediate reversal of long-term ecohydrological degradation
N Gatis, P Benaud, K Anderson, J Ashe, E Grand-Clement, DJ Luscombe, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 15865, 2023
Patterns in routinely collected, high frequency water quality data in rivers supplying drinking water treatment works.
J Ashe, E Grand-Clement, DJ Luscombe, H Graham, DA Savic, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Restoration of shallow peatlands on Exmoor (UK): initial effects on water quality
E Grand-Clement, D Luscombe, K Anderson, N Gatis, J Ashe, R Brazier
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7926, 2014
Extracting value from patterns in routinely collected, high-frequency water quality data in rivers supplying drinking water treatment works
J Ashe
University of Exeter, 2024
Understanding hysteresis in high-frequency water quality data in rivers: adding value to targeted research using routinely collected operational data
J Ashe, E Grand-Clement, R E Brazier
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 20400, 2024
Water quality at catchment scale: how a tiered monitoring approach can highlight multiple benefits.
E Grand-Clement, J Ashe, D Carless, P Henderson, RE Brazier
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Extracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
J Ashe, E Grand-Clement, D Smith, RE Brazier, DA Savic
HIC 2018. 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 3, 103-110, 2018
Mires Monitoring Results
J Ashe, N Gatis, E Grand-Clement, DJ Luscombe, A Puttock, K Anderson, ...
Short-term effects of restoration on the hydrology of shallow blanket peatlands in the South West UK
D Luscombe, E Grand-Clement, K Anderson, N Gatis, J Ashe, R Brazier
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7132, 2014
High spatiotemporal resolution monitoring of hydrological function across degraded peatlands in the south west UK.
J Ashe, D Luscombe, E Grand-Clement, N Gatis, K Anderson, R Brazier
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7651, 2014
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