Vincent Lefebvre
Vincent Lefebvre
Teacher, Université de Lille, France
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The role of palaeogeography in the Phanerozoic history of atmospheric CO2 and climate
Y Goddéris, Y Donnadieu, G Le Hir, V Lefebvre, E Nardin
Earth-Science Reviews 128, 122-138, 2014
The role of eastern Tethys seaway closure in the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition (ca. 14 Ma)
N Hamon, P Sepulchre, V Lefebvre, G Ramstein
Climate of the Past 9 (6), 2687-2702, 2013
Environmental change during the Early Cretaceous in the Purbeck-type Durlston Bay section (Dorset, Southern England): a biomarker approach
A Riboulleau, J Schnyder, L Riquier, V Lefebvre, F Baudin, JF Deconinck
Organic geochemistry 38 (11), 1804-1823, 2007
The respective role of atmospheric carbon dioxide and orbital parameters on ice sheet evolution at the Eocene‐Oligocene transition
JB Ladant, Y Donnadieu, V Lefebvre, C Dumas
Paleoceanography 29 (8), 810-823, 2014
Did a Katian large igneous province trigger the Late Ordovician glaciation?: A hypothesis tested with a carbon cycle model
V Lefebvre, T Servais, L François, O Averbuch
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 296 (3-4), 310-319, 2010
Mid‐Miocene paleoproductivity in the Atlantic Ocean and implications for the global carbon cycle
L Diester‐Haass, K Billups, DR Gröcke, L François, V Lefebvre, KC Emeis
Paleoceanography 24 (1), 2009
Deciphering the role of southern gateways and carbon dioxide on the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
V Lefebvre, Y Donnadieu, P Sepulchre, D Swingedouw, ZS Zhang
Paleoceanography 27 (4), 2012
Tectonic control of continental weathering, atmospheric CO2, and climate over Phanerozoic times
Y Godderis, Y Donnadieu, V Lefebvre, G Le Hir, E Nardin
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 344 (11-12), 652-662, 2012
Was the Antarctic glaciation delayed by a high degassing rate during the early Cenozoic?
V Lefebvre, Y Donnadieu, Y Goddéris, F Fluteau, L Hubert-Théou
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 371, 203-211, 2013
Paleoproductivity during the middle Miocene carbon isotope events: A data‐model approach
L Diester‐Haass, K Billups, I Jacquemin, KC Emeis, V Lefebvre, ...
Paleoceanography 28 (2), 334-346, 2013
Modeling the carbon-sulfate interplays in climate changes related to the emplacement of continental flood basalts
M Mussard, G Le Hir, F Fluteau, V Lefebvre, Y Goddéris, G Keller, AC Kerr
Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Pap 505, 339-352, 2014
The role of eastern Tethys seaway closure in the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition (ca. 14Ma), Clim. Past, 9, 2687–2702
N Hamon, P Sepulchre, V Lefebvre, G Ramstein
Modélisation numérique du cycle du carbone et des cycles biogéochimiques: application aux perturbations climatiques de l’Ordovicien terminal, du Dévonien terminal et du Miocène …
V Lefebvre
Lille 1, 2009
Impact of the Hercynian range evolution on the Late Paleozoic climate: a modelling approach
V Lefebvre, Y Donnadieu, Y Goddéris, P Sepulchre, M Macouin, M Aretz, ...
PRE-CENOZOIC CLIMATES INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP When data and modeling meet, 40, 2013
Was the Antarctic glaciation delayed by a high degassing rate during the early Cenozoic?
Y Donnadieu, V Lefebvre, Y Goddéris, F Fluteau
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12922, 2013
Was the Antarctic Circumpolar Current initiated by the Cenozoic cooling?
V Lefebvre, Y Donnadieu, P Sepulchre, D Swingedouw, Z Zhang
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-9381, 2013
Role of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) on the Antarctica ice-sheet
JB Ladant, Y Donnadieu, V Lefebvre, C Dumas
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-7837, 2013
Unravelling the causes of the Cenozoic climatic evolution
V Lefebvre, Y Donnadieu, Y Goddéris, F Fluteau
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13572, 2012
The Late Ordovician crisis: the Large Igneous Province hypothesis tested by global carbon cycle modeling.
V Lefebvre, T Servais, L François, O Averbuch
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6250, 2010
Paleoproductivity And Carbon Cycling During The Middle Miocene Monterey Excursion
K Billups, L Diester-Haass, K Emeis, L François, I Jacquemin, V Lefebvre
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11405, 2010
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