Cryptographic technology blockchain and its applications A Luntovskyy, D Guetter Advances in Information and Communication Technologies: Processing and …, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
²ì³òàö³éíå ìîäåëþâàííÿ ñèñòåì ³ ïðîöåñ³â ó òåëåêîìóí³êàö³ÿõ ËÎ Óðèâñüêèé, À Ìîøèíñüêà, ÑÎ Îñèï÷óê Êϲ ³ì. ²ãîðÿ ѳêîðñüêîãî, 2022 | 11 | 2022 |
Ìîäèô³êîâàíà ìåòîäèêà îö³íêè åôåêòèâíîñò³ ñèñòåì ïåðåäà÷³ ³íôîðìàö³¿ ËÎ Óðèâñüêèé, À Ìîøèíñüêà, ÊÀ Ïðîêîïåíêî Íàóêîâ³ â³ñò³ Íàö³îíàëüíîãî òåõí³÷íîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó Óêðà¿íè Êè¿âñüêèé …, 2010 | 10 | 2010 |
Applied research of Modulation-Coding Schemes selection algorithms effectiveness in 802.11 equipment L Uryvsky, A Moshynska, S Osypchuk 2017 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Empirical and analytical energy thresholds of Modulation-Coding Schemes research in IEEE 802.11 η devices MY Ilchenko, L Uryvsky, A Moshynska, S Osypchuk 2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics …, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Improving the Structural Reliability of Mobile Radio Networks Based on the Ad-Hoc Algorithms L Uryvsky, A Moshynska, S Osypchuk Data-Centric Business and Applications: ICT Systems—Theory, Radio …, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Application of the Classical Noise Immunity Theory for Prediction of the Parameters of Perspective Multiservice Telecommunications in Accordance with Modern Digital Standards L Uryvsky, A Moshynska, V Solianikova, B Shmigel International Conference Infocommunications–Present and Future, 38-59, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Analysis of digital signal quality indicators based on analytic and stochastic modeling L Uryvsky, A Moshynska, S Osypchuk 2017 International Conference on Information and Telecommunication …, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Efficiency analysis of signal-code sequences selection algorithms on IEEE 802.11 equipment L Uryvsky, A Moshynska, S Osypchuk 2017 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication …, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Algorithm of choice a multiposition keying in wireless system with LDPC coding L Uryvsky, A Moshynska, S Osypchuk 2014 22nd Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR), 399-402, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
The analysis of the transmission system productivity to discrete information near-by the border Shannon in the conditions of the real anti-interference coding L Uryvsky, A Moshynska Proc. X Int. PhD Workshop OWD’2008, 18-21, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
Ñèíòåç ïîêàçàòåëÿ èíôîðìàöèîííûõ âîçìîæíîñòåé äëÿ ñèñòåì ïåðåäà÷è ñ íåïðåðûâíîé ìîäóëÿöèåé è åãî àíàëèç ËÀ Óðûâñêèé, À Ìîøèíñêàÿ Ìàòåð. êîíô. ÓÍÈÈÑ, ìàé, 50-60, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
Ñèíòåç ïðàâèëà âûáîðà ïîìåõîóñòîé÷èâîãî êîäà ïðè çàäàííûõ ïðîñòðàíñòâåííî-ýíåðãåòè÷åñêèõ óñëîâèÿõ ïåðåäà÷è äèñêðåòíîé èíôîðìàöèè ËÀ Óðûâñêèé, À Ìîøèíñêàÿ Íàóêîâ³ çàïèñêè Óêðà¿íñüêîãî íàóêîâî-äîñë³äíîãî ³íñòèòóòó çâ’ÿçêó …, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
Comprehensive Approach for Radio Equipment Design to Ensure Reliable UAVs Operations L Uryvsky, A Gnashchuk, S Osypchuk, A Moshynska IEEE lnternational Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics …, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Analysis of properties of the wideband signals in the low energy conditions LO Uryvsky, AV Moshynska, BO Shmihel Sciences Of Europe, 60-63, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
The effect of the features of signal-code constructions forming on indicators of functionality and reliability of communication systems based on the 802. 11 n/ac standards S Osypchuk, A Moshynska, A Pieshkin, B Shmihel Sciences of Europe, 38-47, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Selection of signal-code sequences in IEEE 802.11 equipment L Uryvsky, A Moshynska, S Osypchuk The Scientific Heritage, 60-63, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Shaping the telecommunication strategies for multiservice system based on information society scenarios A Moshynska 2016 International Conference Radio Electronics & Info Communications …, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Modified technique for estimation the information system transmission efficiency LO Uryvsky, AV Moshynska, KA Prokopenko Scientific transactions of NTUU “KPI, 24-29, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Èññëåäîâàíèå äèíàìèêè ïîêàçàòåëåé ôîðìóëû Ê. Øåííîíà ïðè ïåðåäà÷å íåïðåðûâíûõ ñèãíàëîâ ËÀ Óðûâñêèé, À Ìîøèíñêàÿ Çâ’ÿçîê, 62-64, 2006 | 3 | 2006 |