Rajeev Batra
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Measuring the hedonic and utilitarian sources of consumer attitudes
R Batra, OT Ahtola
Marketing letters 2, 159-170, 1991
Brand love
R Batra, A Ahuvia, RP Bagozzi
Journal of marketing 76 (2), 1-16, 2012
Advertising management
R Batra, JG Myers, DA Aaker
Pearson, 2006
Assessing the role of emotions as mediators of consumer responses to advertising
MB Holbrook, R Batra
Journal of consumer research 14 (3), 404-420, 1987
Affective responses mediating acceptance of advertising
R Batra, ML Ray
Journal of consumer research 13 (2), 234-249, 1986
Effects of brand local/non-local origin on consumer attitudes in developing countries
R Batra, V Ramaswamy, S J.B., D Alden, S Ramachander
Journal of Consumer Psychology 9 (2), 83-95, 2000
Brand positioning through advertising in Asia, North America, and Europe: The role of global consumer culture
DL Alden, JBEM Steenkamp, R Batra
Journal of marketing 63 (1), 75-87, 1999
How perceived brand globalness creates brand value
JB EM Steenkamp, R Batra, DL Alden
Journal of international business studies 34, 53-65, 2003
Consumer-level factors moderating the success of private label brands
R Batra, I Sinha
Journal of retailing 76 (2), 175-191, 2000
Integrating marketing communications: New findings, new lessons, and new ideas
R Batra, KL Keller
Journal of marketing 80 (6), 122-145, 2016
The role of mood in advertising effectiveness
R Batra, DM Stayman
Journal of Consumer research 17 (2), 203-214, 1990
Consumer responses to advertising: The effects of ad content, emotions, and attitude toward the ad on viewing time
TJ Olney, MB Holbrook, R Batra
Journal of consumer research 17 (4), 440-453, 1991
The brand personality component of brand goodwill: some antecedents and consequences
R Batra, D Lehmann, D Singh
Brand equity & advertising: Advertising's role in building strong brands, 83, 1993
The stopping power of advertising: Measures and effects of visual complexity
R Pieters, M Wedel, R Batra
Journal of marketing 74 (5), 48-60, 2010
The effect of consumer price consciousness on private label purchase
I Sinha, R Batra
International journal of research in marketing 16 (3), 237-251, 1999
Consumer attitudes toward marketplace globalization: Structure, antecedents and consequences
DL Alden, JBEM Steenkamp, R Batra
International Journal of Research in Marketing 23 (3), 227-239, 2006
When corporate image affects product evaluations: The moderating role of perceived risk
Z Gürhan-Canli, R Batra
Journal of marketing research 41 (2), 197-205, 2004
Situational effects of advertising repetition: The moderating influence of motivation, ability, and opportunity to respond
R Batra, ML Ray
Journal of Consumer research 12 (4), 432-445, 1986
The situational impact of brand image beliefs
R Batra, PM Homer
Journal of consumer psychology 14 (3), 318-330, 2004
Brand love: development and validation of a practical scale
RP Bagozzi, R Batra, A Ahuvia
Marketing Letters 28, 1-14, 2017
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