Nughthoh Arfawi Kurdhi
Nughthoh Arfawi Kurdhi
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A closed-loop supply chain under retail price and quality dependent demand with remanufacturing and refurbishing
AY Christy, BN Fauzi, NA Kurdi, WA Jauhari, DRS Saputro
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 855 (1), 012009, 2017
A fuzzy periodic review integrated inventory model involving stochastic demand, imperfect production process and inspection errors
WA Jauhari, S Mayangsari, NA Kurdhi, KY Wong
Cogent Engineering 4 (1), 1308653, 2017
An integrated inventory model for supplier-manufacturer-retailer system with imperfect quality and inspection errors
WA Jauhari, A Sofiana, NA Kurdhi, PW Laksono
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 24 (3), 383-407, 2016
Further results on cycle-supermagic labeling
M Roswitha, ET Baskoro, TK Maryati, NA Kurdhi, I Susanti
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 10 (2), 211-220, 2013
Evaluating quadratic weighted kappa as the standard performance metric for automated essay scoring
A Doewes, N Kurdhi, A Saxena
16th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, EDM 2023, 103-113, 2023
Proporsionalitas Autokorelasi Spasial dengan Indeks Global (Indeks Moran) dan Indeks Lokal (Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA))
DRS Saputro, P Widyaningsih, NA Kurdi, A Susanti
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Penelitian Matematika dan Pembelajarannya …, 2018
Continuous review inventory models under service level constraint with probabilistic fuzzy number during uncertain received quantity
NA Kurdhi, Sutanto, Kristanti, MVA Prasetyawati, SMP Lestari
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 23 (4), 443-466, 2016
A fuzzy collaborative supply chain inventory model with controllable setup cost and service level constraint for imperfect items
NA Kurdhi, SMP Lestari, Y Susanti
International Journal of Applied Management Science 7 (2), 93-122, 2015
Asrahmaulyana, & Rahman, Abdul.(2023)
NA Kurdhi, DA Sunarta, N Oktavianty, J Nikmatullah, HR Hatta, H Ali, ...
Statistika Ekonomi, 0
Lot sizing decisions in a closed-loop supply chain system with remanufacturing
WA Jauhari, AR Dwicahyani, NA Kurdhi
International Journal of Procurement Management 10 (3), 381-409, 2017
Pembuatan Game Edukasi “English For Fun” Untuk Anak Kelas 1-2 Sd Berbasis Android Menggunakan Unity 3d
R Hartono, A Purnomo, NA Kurdhi, IH Firdiana
Jurnal SIMETRIS 7 (2), 2252-4983, 2016
Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) cluster map untuk identifikasi penyebaran dan pemetaan penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) di Jawa Tengah
DRS Saputro, P Widyaningsih, NA Kurdi, SA Hardanti
Seminar Matematika Dan Pendidikan Matematika UNY, 2017
A coordinated supply chain model for imperfect items under power function lead time crashing cost and investment with a service level constraint
NA Kurdhi, LP Santoso, SS Handajani, TS Martini
International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management …, 2016
A two-echelon supply chain inventory model with shortage backlogging, inspection errors and uniform demand under imperfect quality items
NA Kurdhi, M Marchamah, Respatiwulan
International Journal of Procurement Management 11 (2), 135-152, 2018
An inventory model involving back-order price discount when the amount received is uncertain
NA Kurdhi, J Prasetyo, SS Handajani
International Journal of Systems Science 47 (3), 662-671, 2016
Revenue management in a refurbishing duopoly with cannibalization
NA Kurdhi, SS Dabadghao, JC Fransoo
Journal of Operations Management 69 (2), 246-260, 2023
Prior and posterior dirichlet distributions on bayesian networks (BNs)
DRS Saputro, P Widyaningsih, F Handayani, NA Kurdhi
AIP Conference Proceedings 1827 (1), 2017
Periodic review inventory policy with variable ordering cost, lead time, and backorder rate.
NA Kurdhi, RI Doewes
Songklanakarin Journal of Science & Technology 41 (1), 2019
Inventory decisions in a closed-loop supply chain system with learning and rework
WA Jauhari, O Hendaryani, NA Kurdhi
International Journal of Procurement Management 11 (5), 551-585, 2018
Inventory decision in a closed-loop supply chain with inspection, sorting, and waste disposal
AR Dwicahyani, WA Jauhari, NA Kurdhi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 114 (1), 012072, 2016
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