ZhongLong Zheng
ZhongLong Zheng
Professor, School of Computer Science in Zhejiang Normal University
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Cited by
Gabor feature-based face recognition using supervised locality preserving projection
Z Zheng, F Yang, W Tan, J Jia, J Yang
Signal Processing 87 (10), 2473-2483, 2007
A robust method for eye features extraction on color image
Z Zheng, J Yang, L Yang
Pattern recognition letters 26 (14), 2252-2261, 2005
MoWLD: a robust motion image descriptor for violence detection
T Zhang, W Jia, B Yang, J Yang, X He, Z Zheng
Multimedia Tools and applications 76, 1419-1438, 2017
Initialization enhancer for non-negative matrix factorization
Z Zheng, J Yang, Y Zhu
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 20 (1), 101-110, 2007
A facial expression recognition system based on supervised locally linear embedding
D Liang, J Yang, Z Zheng, Y Chang
Pattern Recognition Letters 26 (15), 2374-2389, 2005
Multi-scale safety helmet detection based on SAS-YOLOv3-tiny
R Cheng, X He, Z Zheng, Z Wang
Applied Sciences 11 (8), 3652, 2021
Incentivizing honest mining in blockchain networks: A reputation approach
C Tang, L Wu, G Wen, Z Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 67 (1), 117-121, 2019
Facial feature localization based on an improved active shape model
Z Zheng, J Jiong, D Chunjiang, XH Liu, J Yang
Information Sciences 178 (9), 2215-2223, 2008
CSART: Channel and spatial attention-guided residual learning for real-time object tracking
D Zhang, Z Zheng, M Li, R Liu
Neurocomputing 436, 260-272, 2021
Cooperative mining in blockchain networks with zero-determinant strategies
C Tang, C Li, X Yu, Z Zheng, Z Chen
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (10), 4544-4549, 2019
A face detection and recognition system in color image series
Y Jie, L Xufeng, Z Yitan, Z Zhonglong
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 77 (5-6), 531-539, 2008
Pool strategies selection in pow-based blockchain networks: Game-theoretic analysis
Y Wang, C Tang, F Lin, Z Zheng, Z Chen
IEEE Access 7, 8427-8436, 2019
Game dilemma analysis and optimization of PoW consensus algorithm
CB Tang, Z Yang, ZL Zheng, ZY Chen, X Li
Acta Automatica Sinica 43 (9), 1520-1531, 2017
Learning a deep vector quantization network for image compression
X Lu, H Wang, W Dong, F Wu, Z Zheng, G Shi
IEEE Access 7, 118815-118825, 2019
Action recognition from depth sequence using depth motion maps-based local ternary patterns and CNN
Z Li, Z Zheng, F Lin, H Leung, Q Li
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 19587-19601, 2019
Fisher discrimination based low rank matrix recovery for face recognition
Z Zheng, M Yu, J Jia, H Liu, D Xiang, X Huang, J Yang
Pattern recognition 47 (11), 3502-3511, 2014
杨磊, 杨杰, 郑忠龙
红外与毫米波学报 25 (1), 41-45, 2006
Small object detection in traffic scenes based on YOLO-MXANet
X He, R Cheng, Z Zheng, Z Wang
Sensors 21 (21), 7422, 2021
Visual tracking via hierarchical deep reinforcement learning
D Zhang, Z Zheng, R Jia, M Li
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (4), 3315-3323, 2021
Enhanced active shape model for facial feature localization
ZL Zheng, F Yang
2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 5, 2841-2845, 2008
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Articles 1–20