Charles G. Lord
Charles G. Lord
Professor of Psychology, Texas Christian University
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Biased assimilation and attitude polarization: The effects of prior theories on subsequently considered evidence.
CG Lord, L Ross, MR Lepper
Journal of personality and social psychology 37 (11), 2098, 1979
Considering the opposite: a corrective strategy for social judgment.
CG Lord, MR Lepper, E Preston
Journal of personality and social psychology 47 (6), 1231, 1984
Effects of structured cooperative contact on changing negative attitudes toward stigmatized social groups.
DM Desforges, CG Lord, SL Ramsey, JA Mason, MD Van Leeuwen, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 60 (4), 531, 1991
Alleviating women’s mathematics stereotype threat through salience of group achievements
RB McIntyre, RM Paulson, CG Lord
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (1), 83-90, 2003
Self-promotion is not ingratiating.
DK Godfrey, EE Jones, CG Lord
Journal of personality and social psychology 50 (1), 106, 1986
Which behaviors do attitudes predict? Meta-analyzing the effects of social pressure and perceived difficulty
DS Wallace, RM Paulson, CG Lord, CF Bond Jr
Review of general psychology 9 (3), 214-227, 2005
Memory deficits and memory surfeits: Differential cognitive consequences of tokenism for tokens and observers.
CG Lord, DS Saenz
Journal of personality and social psychology 49 (4), 918, 1985
Schemas and images as memory aids: Two modes of processing social information.
CG Lord
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 38 (2), 257, 1980
Attitude representation theory
CG Lord, MR Lepper
Advances in experimental social psychology 31, 265-343, 1999
Attitude prototypes as determinants of attitude–behavior consistency.
CG Lord, MR Lepper, D Mackie
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 46 (6), 1984
Template matching: A proposal for probing the ecological validity of experimental settings in social psychology.
DJ Bem, CG Lord
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 37 (6), 833, 1979
Effects of salient multiple identities on women's performance under mathematics stereotype threat
DM Gresky, LLT Eyck, CG Lord, RB McIntyre
Sex Roles 53, 703-716, 2005
A social impact trend in the effects of role models on alleviating women’s mathematics stereotype threat
RB McIntyre, CG Lord, DM Gresky, LL Ten Eyck, GDJ Frye, CF Bond Jr
Current Research in Social Psychology 10 (9), 116-136, 2005
Mangy mutt or furry friend? Anthropomorphism promotes animal welfare
ME Butterfield, SE Hill, CG Lord
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (4), 957-960, 2012
Does this recession make me look black? The effect of resource scarcity on the categorization of biracial faces
CD Rodeheffer, SE Hill, CG Lord
Psychological Science 23 (12), 1476-1478, 2012
Breaking up is (relatively) easy to do: A script for the dissolution of close relationships
DM Battaglia, FD Richard, DL Datteri, CG Lord
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 15 (6), 829-845, 1998
Biased assimilation: Effects of assumptions and expectations on the interpretation of new evidence
CG Lord, CA Taylor
Social and personality psychology compass 3 (5), 827-841, 2009
Effects of role model deservingness on overcoming performance deficits induced by stereotype threat
RB McIntyre, RM Paulson, CA Taylor, AL Morin, CG Lord
European Journal of Social Psychology 41 (3), 301-311, 2011
Previous conceptions of the typical group member and the contact hypothesis
JL Werth, CG Lord
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 13 (3), 351-369, 1992
Is a rose always a rose? The role of social category exemplar change in attitude stability and attitude-behavior consistency.
TL Sia, CG Lord, KA Blessum, CD Ratcliff, MR Lepper
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72 (3), 501, 1997
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Articles 1–20