Nadeem Kafi
Nadeem Kafi
FAST National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Karachi
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Secure multi-hop routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks: Requirements, challenges and solutions
NM Durrani, N Kafi, J Shamsi, W Haider, AM Abbsi
Eighth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM …, 2013
Novelties in teaching high performance computing
JA Shamsi, NM Durrani, N Kafi
2015 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2015
Supervised Approach to Identify Autism Spectrum Neurological Disorder via Label Distribution Learning
K. Munagala, V. Saravanan, Firas Husham, Naveed Jhamat, Nadeem Kafi ...
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (Special Issue), 10, 2022
Large Field-Size Elliptic Curve Processor for Area-Constrained Applications
M Rashid, OS Sonbul, MYI Zia, N Kafi, MH Sinky, M Arif
Applied Sciences 13 (3), 1240, 2023
Trust based energy preserving routing protocol in multi-hop WSN
S Raza, W Haider, NM Durrani, NK Khan, MA Abbasi
Networked Systems: Third International Conference, NETYS 2015, Agadir …, 2015
Competitor Analyzer: a system that updates users about business rival groups and their strategies
NM Durrani, FQ Zaur, U Alam, Q Usmani, R Khan, NK Khan
2019 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering …, 2019
Towards knowledge creation and management model over online social networks
W Haider, NM Durrani, S Nand, NK Khan, MA Abbasi
2015 2nd World Symposium on Web Applications and Networking (WSWAN), 1-6, 2015
Smart Methods to Deal with COVID-19 at University-Level Institutions Using Social Network Analysis Techniques
RAS Malick, SK Hasan, F Samad, NK Khan, HJ Syed
Sustainability 15 (6), 5326, 2023
Modelling Civic Problem-Solving in Smart City Using Knowledge-Based Crowdsourcing
SMA Kamal, N Kafi, F Samad, HJ Syed, MN Durrani
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security 23 (8), 146-158, 2023
Human Computations in Citizen Crowds: A Knowledge Management Solution Framework
N Kafi, ZA Shaikh, MS Shaikh
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 37 (3), 513-528, 2018
Towards Real-time Result Verification using Checkpointing in Volunteer Computing Systems
MN Durrani, T Iqbal, JA Shamsi, NK Khan
2015 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing …, 2015
Malware Classification using Dynamic Analysis with Deep Learning
A Amin, MN Durrani, N Kafi, F Samad, A Aziz
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security 23 (8), 49-62, 2023
Trust Based Energy Preserving Routing Protocol in Multi-hop WSN
MAA Saima Raza, Waleej Haider, Nouman M. Durrani, Nadeem Kafi Khan
Networked Systems (LNCS) 9466, pp. 1–6, 2015
Integrating PDC Topics in core courses of BS (CS) at FAST-NU
NK Jawwad Shamsi, Tahir Syed, Imran Rauf, Muhammad Rafi
IEEE TCPP Early Adopter Award, 2013
Occam as a System Language for Concurrent Processing Systems
NK Salman H. Qureshi
18th IEEP International Symposium, Karachi, 1989
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Articles 1–15