Pedro G. Ferreira
Pedro G. Ferreira
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences University of Porto; INESC-TEC
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Cited by
An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome
ENCODE Project Consortium
Nature 489 (7414), 57, 2012
Landscape of transcription in human cells
S Djebali, CA Davis, A Merkel, A Dobin, T Lassmann, A Mortazavi, ...
Nature 489 (7414), 101-108, 2012
The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) pilot analysis: Multitissue gene regulation in humans
GTEx Consortium
Science 348 (6235), 648-660, 2015
Genetic effects on gene expression across human tissues
GTE Consortium
Nature 550 (7675), 204-213, 2017
The GTEx Consortium atlas of genetic regulatory effects across human tissues
GTEx Consortium
Science 369 (6509), 1318-1330, 2020
Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans
T Lappalainen, M Sammeth, MR Friedländer, P AC‘t Hoen, J Monlong, ...
Nature 501 (7468), 506-511, 2013
The human transcriptome across tissues and individuals
M Melé, PG Ferreira, F Reverter, DS DeLuca, J Monlong, M Sammeth, ...
Science 348 (6235), 660-665, 2015
Dynamic landscape and regulation of RNA editing in mammals
MH Tan, Q Li, R Shanmugam, R Piskol, J Kohler, AN Young, KI Liu, ...
Nature 550 (7675), 249-254, 2017
Effect of predicted protein-truncating genetic variants on the human transcriptome
MA Rivas, M Pirinen, DF Conrad, M Lek, EK Tsang, KJ Karczewski, ...
Science 348 (6235), 666-669, 2015
A quantitative proteome map of the human body
L Jiang, M Wang, S Lin, R Jian, X Li, J Chan, G Dong, H Fang, ...
Cell 183 (1), 269-283. e19, 2020
The effects of death and post-mortem cold ischemia on human tissue transcriptomes
PG Ferreira, M Muñoz-Aguirre, F Reverter, CPS Godinho, A Sousa, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1-15, 2018
Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories
PAC t Hoen, MR Friedländer, J Almlöf, M Sammeth, I Pulyakhina, ...
Nature biotechnology 31 (11), 1015-1022, 2013
Transcriptome characterization by RNA sequencing identifies a major molecular and clinical subdivision in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
PG Ferreira, P Jares, D Rico, G Gómez-López, A Martínez-Trillos, ...
Genome research 24 (2), 212-226, 2014
Molecular signatures of plastic phenotypes in two eusocial insect species with simple societies
S Patalano, A Vlasova, C Wyatt, P Ewels, F Camara, PG Ferreira, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (45), 13970-13975, 2015
Synchronized age-related gene expression changes across multiple tissues in human and the link to complex diseases
J Yang, T Huang, F Petralia, Q Long, B Zhang, C Argmann, Y Zhao, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-16, 2015
CPEB1 coordinates alternative 3′-UTR formation with translational regulation
FA Bava, C Eliscovich, PG Ferreira, B Miñana, C Ben-Dov, R Guigó, ...
Nature 495 (7439), 121-125, 2013
Deep learning for drug response prediction in cancer
D Baptista, PG Ferreira, M Rocha
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020
Transcriptome analyses of primitively eusocial wasps reveal novel insights into the evolution of sociality and the origin of alternative phenotypes
PG Ferreira, S Patalano, R Chauhan, R Ffrench-Constant, T Gabaldon, ...
Genome biology 14 (2), R20, 2013
Mitotic cell-cycle progression is regulated by CPEB1 and CPEB4-dependent translational control
I Novoa, J Gallego, PG Ferreira, R Mendez
Nature cell biology 12 (5), 447-456, 2010
Co-expression networks reveal the tissue-specific regulation of transcription and splicing
A Saha, Y Kim, ADH Gewirtz, B Jo, C Gao, IC McDowell, BE Engelhardt, ...
Genome research 27 (11), 1843-1858, 2017
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Articles 1–20