Hal Finkel
Hal Finkel
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Oscillons after inflation
MA Amin, R Easther, H Finkel, R Flauger, MP Hertzberg
Physical review letters 108 (24), 241302, 2012
HACC: Simulating sky surveys on state-of-the-art supercomputing architectures
S Habib, A Pope, H Finkel, N Frontiere, K Heitmann, D Daniel, P Fasel, ...
New Astronomy 42, 49-65, 2016
HACC: Extreme scaling and performance across diverse architectures
S Habib, V Morozov, N Frontiere, H Finkel, A Pope, K Heitmann
Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing …, 2013
GRChombo: numerical relativity with adaptive mesh refinement
K Clough, P Figueras, H Finkel, M Kunesch, EA Lim, S Tunyasuvunakool
Classical and Quantum Gravity 32 (24), 245011, 2015
The Mira–Titan Universe: precision predictions for dark energy surveys
K Heitmann, D Bingham, E Lawrence, S Bergner, S Habib, D Higdon, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 820 (2), 108, 2016
The mira-titan universe. II. Matter power spectrum emulation
E Lawrence, K Heitmann, J Kwan, A Upadhye, D Bingham, S Habib, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 847 (1), 50, 2017
Inflaton fragmentation and oscillon formation in three dimensions
MA Amin, R Easther, H Finkel
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2010 (12), 001, 2010
Full-state quantum circuit simulation by using data compression
XC Wu, S Di, EM Dasgupta, F Cappello, H Finkel, Y Alexeev, FT Chong
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2019
Gravitational waves from oscillon preheating
SY Zhou, EJ Copeland, R Easther, H Finkel, ZG Mou, PM Saffin
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (10), 1-19, 2013
Halo profiles and the concentration–mass relation for a ΛCDM universe
HL Child, S Habib, K Heitmann, N Frontiere, H Finkel, A Pope, V Morozov
The Astrophysical Journal 859 (1), 55, 2018
CosmoDC2: A synthetic sky catalog for dark energy science with LSST
D Korytov, A Hearin, E Kovacs, P Larsen, E Rangel, J Hollowed, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 245 (2), 26, 2019
The outer rim simulation: A path to many-core supercomputers
K Heitmann, H Finkel, A Pope, V Morozov, N Frontiere, S Habib, E Rangel, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 245 (1), 16, 2019
The mira-titan universe. III. Emulation of the halo mass function
S Bocquet, K Heitmann, S Habib, E Lawrence, T Uram, N Frontiere, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 901 (1), 5, 2020
Trends in data locality abstractions for HPC systems
D Unat, A Dubey, T Hoefler, J Shalf, M Abraham, M Bianco, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (10), 3007-3020, 2017
Cosmic emulation: fast predictions for the galaxy power spectrum
J Kwan, K Heitmann, S Habib, N Padmanabhan, E Lawrence, H Finkel, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 810 (1), 35, 2015
The universe at extreme scale: multi-petaflop sky simulation on the BG/Q
S Habib, V Morozov, H Finkel, A Pope, K Heitmann, K Kumaran, T Peterka, ...
SC'12: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance …, 2012
GRChombo: An adaptable numerical relativity code for fundamental physics
T Andrade, LA Salo, JC Aurrekoetxea, J Bamber, K Clough, R Croft, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.03458, 2022
PSpectRe: a pseudo-spectral code for (p) reheating
R Easther, H Finkel, N Roth
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2010 (10), 025, 2010
The Q continuum simulation: Harnessing the power of GPU accelerated supercomputers
K Heitmann, N Frontiere, C Sewell, S Habib, A Pope, H Finkel, S Rizzi, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 219 (2), 34, 2015
Large-scale structure formation with massive neutrinos and dynamical dark energy
A Upadhye, R Biswas, A Pope, K Heitmann, S Habib, H Finkel, ...
Physical Review D 89 (10), 103515, 2014
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Articles 1–20