Shylaja S. S
Shylaja S. S
Director,CCBD &CDSAML Dept of CSE, PESU, Bangalore
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Cited by
Machine learning approach for detection of cyber-aggressive comments by peers on social media network
VS Chavan, SS Shylaja
2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2015
A smart automatic thumbnail cropping based on attention driven regions of interest extraction
IS Amrutha, SS Shylaja, S Natarajan, KNB Murthy
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interaction Sciences …, 2009
Feed forward neural network based eye localization and recognition using hough transform
SS Shylaja, KN Balasubramanya, SN Murthy, MR Nisecheth, S Ajay
International Journal 2, 2011
Cloud-based system for supervised classification of plant diseases using convolutional neural networks
L Jain, H Vardhan, ML Nishanth, SS Shylaja
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets …, 2017
Facial landmark localization-a literature survey
D Rathod, A Vinay, S Shylaja, S Natarajan
Int J Current Eng Technol 4 (3), 1901-1907, 2014
Face recognition by Feedforward neural network using Laplacian of Gaussian filter and singular value decomposition
DN Pritha, L Savitha, SS Shylaja
2010 First International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing, 56-61, 2010
Interpretability for multimodal emotion recognition using concept activation vectors
AR Asokan, N Kumar, AV Ragam, SS Shylaja
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 01-08, 2022
Supervised machine learning for accent recognition in English speech using sequential MFCC features
D Honnavalli, S S S
AIDE, 2019, 2019
Image captioning using reinforcement learning with BLUDEr optimization
PR Devi, V Thrivikraman, D Kashyap, SS Shylaja
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 30, 607-613, 2020
Dimensionality reduction techniques for face recognition
SS Shylaja, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition, InTech, 141-166, 2011
: Real-Time Dehazing in Traffic Video Analytics by Fast Dynamic Bilateral Filtering
A Das, S Pai, VS Shenoy, T Vinay, SS Shylaja
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision and Image …, 2019
Machine learning approach for smile detection in real time images
H Yadappanavar, S Shylaja
International Journal of Image Processing and Vision Sciences 1 (1), 2012
Algorithmic Approach for Prediction and Early Detection of Diseases Using Retinal Images,
P Raghu Raj, K Gurudatha Pai, SS Shylaja
Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation, 2007. CGIV '07 501 (Aug 2007 …, 2007
A machine learning approach for disease surveillance and visualization using twitter data
A Ashok, M Guruprasad, CO Prakash, SS Shylaja
2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science …, 2019
Performance analysis of cloud based load balancing techniques
A Agarwal, G Manisha, RN Milind, SS Shylaja
2014 International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing, 49-52, 2014
A Survey of Cloud Based Load Balancing Techniques
SSS Aayush Agarwal, Manisha G, Raje Neha Milind
Int. Conf. on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science & Mechanical Engg, 9-13, 2014
Text-based image retrieval using captioning
A Krishnan, S Rajesh, SS Shylaja
2021 Fourth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and …, 2021
A concise review of fast bilateral filtering
A Das, P Nair, SS Shylaja, KN Chaudhury
2017 Fourth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP …, 2017
Feature extraction using marker based watershed segmentation on the human face
SS Shylaja, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan, A Prasad, A Modi, S Harlalka
2012 international conference on computer communication and informatics, 1-5, 2012
Illumination Invariant Novel Approaches for Face Recognition
SS Shylaja, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
International Journal of Electrical Energy 2 (2), 2014
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Articles 1–20