Senka Drobac
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Cited by
Optical character recognition with neural networks and post-correction with finite state methods
S Drobac, K Lindén
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 23 (4 …, 2020
Hfst—a system for creating nlp tools
K Lindén, E Axelson, S Drobac, S Hardwick, J Kuokkala, J Niemi, ...
Systems and Frameworks for Computational Morphology: Third International …, 2013
OCR and post-correction of historical Finnish texts
S Drobac, PS Kauppinen, BKJ Linden
Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, 70-76, 2017
Finnish parliament on the semantic web: Using ParliamentSampo data service and semantic portal for studying political culture and language
E Hyvönen, L Sinikallio, P Leskinen, M La Mela, J Tuominen, K Elo, ...
Digital Parliamentary Data in Action, 2022
Plenary debates of the Parliament of Finland as linked open data and in Parla-CLARIN markup
L Sinikallio, S Drobac, M Tamper, R Leal, M Koho, J Tuominen, ...
International Conference on Language, Data, and Knowledge, 8, 2021
Using HFST for creating computational linguistic applications
K Lindén, E Axelson, S Drobac, S Hardwick, M Silfverberg, TA Pirinen
Computational linguistics: Applications, 3-25, 2013
Parlamenttisampo: eduskunnan aineistojen linkitetyn avoimen datan palvelu ja sen käyttömahdollisuudet
E Hyvönen, L Sinikallio, P Leskinen, S Drobac, J Tuominen, K Elo, ...
Informaatiotutkimus 40 (3), 216–244-216–244, 2021
Constellations of Correspondence: a linked data service and portal for studying large and small networks of epistolary exchange in the Grand Duchy of Finland
J Tuominen, M Koho, I Pikkanen, S Drobac, J Enqvist, E Hyvönen, ...
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3232, 415-423, 2022
Improving OCR of historical newspapers and journals published in Finland
S Drobac, P Kauppinen, K Linden
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual …, 2019
Infrastructure for interactivity-decoupled systems on the loose
A Aschenbrenner, F Donno, S Drobac
2009 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and …, 2009
An OCR pipeline for transforming parliamentary debates into linked data: Case ParliamentSampo–Parliament of Finland on the semantic web
S Drobac, L Sinikallio, E Hyvönen
Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications 5 (1 …, 2023
Heuristic Hyper-minimization of Finite State Lexicons.
S Drobac, K Lindén, FA Pirinen, M Silfverberg
LREC, 3319-3324, 2014
Plenary Speeches of the Parliament of Finland as Linked Open Data and Data Services
E Hyvönen, L Sinikallio, P Leskinen, S Drobac, R Leal, M La Mela, ...
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3447, 1-20, 2023
Publishing and using parliamentary Linked Data on the Semantic Web: ParliamentSampo system for Parliament of Finland
E Hyvönen, L Sinikallio, P Leskinen, S Drobac, R Leal, M La Mela, ...
Semantic Web 16 (1), SW-243683, 2025
Sub-label dependencies for neural morphological tagging–the joint submission of University of Colorado and University of Helsinki for VarDial 2018
M Silfverberg, S Drobac
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties …, 2018
OCR and post-correction of historical newspapers and journals
S Drobac
University of Helsinki, 2020
Implementation of replace rules using preference operator
S Drobac, M Silfverberg, AM Yli-Jyrä
The 10th edition of the International Workshop on Finite State Methods and …, 2012
The Laborious Cleaning: Acquiring and Transforming 19th-Century Epistolary Metadata
S Drobac, J Enqvist, P Leskinen, MF Wahjoe, H Rantala, M Koho, ...
Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications 5 (1 …, 2023
ParliamentSampo infrastructure for publishing the plenary speeches and networks of politicians of the Parliament of Finland as open data services
E Hyvönen, P Leskinen, L Sinikallio, S Drobac, R Leal, M La Mela, ...
publication event of the ParliamentSampo infrastructure, University of Helsinki, 2023
Optical font family recognition using a neural network
S Drobac, K Lindén
Proceedings of the Research Data and Humanities (RDHUM) 2019 Conference …, 2019
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Articles 1–20