Dirk Kerzel
Dirk Kerzel
Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of Geneva
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Perceptual basis of bimanual coordination
F Mechsner, D Kerzel, GÈ Knoblich, W Prinz
Nature 414 (6859), 69-73, 2001
Cognitive load in simultaneous interpreting: Model meets data
KG Seeber, D Kerzel
International Journal of Bilingualism 16 (2), 228-242, 2012
Eye movements and visible persistence explain the mislocalization of the final position of a moving target
D Kerzel
Vision Research 40 (27), 3703-3715, 2000
The role of perception in the mislocalization of the final position of a moving target.
D Kerzel, JS Jordan, J Müsseler
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 27 (4), 829, 2001
Attentional capture during visual search is attenuated by target predictability: Evidence from the N 2pc, P d, and topographic segmentation
N Burra, D Kerzel
Psychophysiology 50 (5), 422-430, 2013
Amygdala activation for eye contact despite complete cortical blindness
N Burra, A Hervais-Adelman, D Kerzel, M Tamietto, B De Gelder, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (25), 10483-10489, 2013
Comparing mislocalizations with moving stimuli: The Fröhlich effect, the flash-lag, and representational momentum
J Müsseler, S Stork, D Kerzel
Visual Cognition 9 (1-2), 120-138, 2002
Motor activation from visible speech: evidence from stimulus response compatibility.
D Kerzel, H Bekkering
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 26 (2), 634, 2000
Neuronal processing delays are compensated in the sensorimotor branch of the visual system
D Kerzel, KR Gegenfurtner
Current Biology 13 (22), 1975-1978, 2003
Attention maintains mental extrapolation of target position: Irrelevant distractors eliminate forward displacement after implied motion
D Kerzel
Cognition 88 (1), 109-131, 2003
Improved visual sensitivity during smooth pursuit eye movements
AC Schütz, DI Braun, D Kerzel, KR Gegenfurtner
Nature neuroscience 11 (10), 1211-1216, 2008
The distractor positivity (Pd) signals lowering of attentional priority: Evidence from event‐related potentials and individual differences
N Burra, D Kerzel
Psychophysiology 51 (7), 685-696, 2014
Effects of contrast on smooth pursuit eye movements
M Spering, D Kerzel, DI Braun, MJ Hawken, KR Gegenfurtner
Journal of vision 5 (5), 6-6, 2005
Memory for the position of stationary objects: Disentangling foveal bias and memory averaging
D Kerzel
Vision research 42 (2), 159-167, 2002
Conflicts during response selection affect response programming: reactions toward the source of stimulation.
S Buetti, D Kerzel
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 35 (3), 816, 2009
A Simon effect with stationary moving stimuli.
S Bosbach, W Prinz, D Kerzel
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 30 (1), 39, 2004
Mental extrapolation of target position is strongest with weak motion signals and motor responses
D Kerzel
Vision Research 43 (25), 2623-2635, 2003
Action planning affects spatial localization
JS Jordan, S Stork, L Knuf, D Kerzel, J Müsseler
Attention and performance XIX: Common mechanisms in perception and action …, 2002
Time course of the Simon effect in pointing movements for horizontal, vertical, and acoustic stimuli: Evidence for a common mechanism
S Buetti, D Kerzel
Acta Psychologica 129 (3), 420-428, 2008
Capture by Context Elements, Not Attentional Suppression of Distractors, Explains the PD with Small Search Displays
D Kerzel, N Burra
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 32 (6), 1170-1183, 2020
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Articles 1–20