Nova Silvy
Nova Silvy
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Ecology of three sympatric felids in a mixed evergreen forest in north-central Thailand
LI Grassman, ME Tewes, NJ Silvy, K Kreetiyutanont
Journal of mammalogy 86 (1), 29-38, 2005
Estimating bobcat abundance using automatically triggered cameras
RD Heilbrun, NJ Silvy, MJ Peterson, ME Tewes
Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 (1), 69-73, 2006
Demography, sociospatial behaviour and genetics of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in a semi-arid environment
TM Gabor, EC Hellgren, RA Van Den Bussche, NJ Silvy
Journal of Zoology 247 (3), 311-322, 1999
Historical biogeography and contemporary patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation in white‐tailed deer from the southeastern United States
DL Ellsworth, RL Honeycutt, NJ Silvy, JW Bickham, WD Klimstra
Evolution 48 (1), 122-136, 1994
Using automatically triggered cameras to individually identify bobcats
RD Heilbrun, NJ Silvy, ME Tewes, MJ Peterson
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 748-755, 2003
Spatial organization and diet of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in north-central Thailand
LI Grassman, ME Tewes, NJ Silvy, K Kreetiyutanont
Journal of Zoology 266 (1), 45-54, 2005
The Wildlife Techniques Manual: Volume 1: Research. Volume 2: Management.
NJ Silvy
JHU Press, 2020
Differential influence of weather on regional quail abundance in Texas
AS Bridges, MJ Peterson, NJ Silvy, FE Smeins, X Ben Wu
The Journal of wildlife management, 10-18, 2001
Comparison of camera and road survey estimates for white‐tailed deer
CW Roberts, BL Pierce, AW Braden, RR Lopez, NJ Silvy, PA Frank, ...
The Journal of wildlife management 70 (1), 263-267, 2006
Greater prairie chicken ranges, movements, and habitat usage in Kansas
RJ Robel, JN Briggs, JJ Cebula, NJ Silvy, CE Viers, PG Watt
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 286-306, 1970
Ranging, habitat use and activity patterns of binturong Arctictis binturong and yellow‐throated marten Martes flavigula in north‐central Thailand
LI Grassman Jr, ME Tewes, NJ Silvy
Wildlife biology 11 (1), 49-57, 2005
Cultural conflict and the endangered Florida Key deer
MN Peterson, TR Peterson, MJ Peterson, RR Lopez, NJ Silvy
The Journal of wildlife management, 947-968, 2002
Habitat‐use patterns of Florida key deer: implications of urban development
RR Lopez, NJ Silvy, RN Wilkins, PA Frank, MJ Peterson, MN Peterson
The Journal of Wildlife Management 68 (4), 900-908, 2004
Survival, mortality, and life expectancy of Florida Key deer
RR Lopez, MEP Vieira, NJ Silvy, PA Frank, SW Whisenant, DA Jones
The Journal of wildlife management, 34-45, 2003
Fox squirrel survival in urban and rural environments
RA Mccleery, RR Lopez, NJ Silvy, DL Gallant
The Journal of wildlife management 72 (1), 133-137, 2008
Impacts of urbanization on Florida Key deer behavior and population dynamics
PM Harveson, RR Lopez, BA Collier, NJ Silvy
Biological Conservation 134 (3), 321-331, 2007
Phylogenetic analyses indicate little variation among reticuloendotheliosis viruses infecting avian species, including the endangered Attwater's prairie chicken
RL Bohls, JA Linares, SL Gross, PJ Ferro, NJ Silvy, EW Collisson
Virus research 119 (2), 187-194, 2006
Ecology and conservation of the leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis and clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand
SC Austin, ME Tewes, LI Grassman Jr, NJ Silvy
Wildlife marking techniques
NJ Silvy, RR Lopez, MJ Peterson
Techniques for wildlife investigations and management 6, 339-376, 2005
Reproductive stages limiting productivity of the endangered Attwater’s prairie chicken
MJ Peterson, NJ Silvy
Conservation Biology 10 (4), 1264-1276, 1996
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Articles 1–20