Arielle Bonneville-Roussy
Arielle Bonneville-Roussy
Другие именаA Bonneville-Roussy
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When passion leads to excellence: The case of musicians
A Bonneville-Roussy, GL Lavigne, RJ Vallerand
Psychology of Music 39 (1), 123-138, 2011
Music through the ages: Trends in musical engagement and preferences from adolescence through middle adulthood.
A Bonneville-Roussy, PJ Rentfrow, MK Xu, J Potter
Journal of personality and social psychology 105 (4), 703, 2013
On passion and sports fans: A look at football
RJ Vallerand, N Ntoumanis, FL Philippe, GL Lavigne, N Carbonneau, ...
Journal of sports sciences 26 (12), 1279-1293, 2008
Motivation and coping with the stress of assessment: Gender differences in outcomes for university students
A Bonneville-Roussy, P Evans, J Verner-Filion, RJ Vallerand, T Bouffard
Contemporary educational psychology 48, 28-42, 2017
The roles of autonomy support and harmonious and obsessive passions in educational persistence
A Bonneville-Roussy, RJ Vallerand, T Bouffard
Learning and Individual Differences 24, 22-31, 2013
When quantity is not enough: Disentangling the roles of practice time, self-regulation and deliberate practice in musical achievement
A Bonneville-Roussy, T Bouffard
Psychology of Music 43 (5), 686-704, 2015
Self-determined motivation for practice in university music students
P Evans, A Bonneville-Roussy
Psychology of music 44 (5), 1095-1110, 2016
Longitudinal development of attention and inhibitory control during the first year of life
K Holmboe, A Bonneville‐Roussy, G Csibra, MH Johnson
Developmental science 21 (6), e12690, 2018
Child and parent predictors of picky eating from preschool to school age
S Steinsbekk, A Bonneville-Roussy, A Fildes, CH Llewellyn, L Wichstrøm
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 14, 1-8, 2017
Teaching music to support students: how autonomy-supportive music teachers increase students’ well-being
A Bonneville-Roussy, E Hruska, H Trower
Journal of Research in Music Education 68 (1), 97-119, 2020
Age trends in musical preferences in adulthood: 1. Conceptualization and empirical investigation
A Bonneville-Roussy, D Stillwell, M Kosinski, J Rust
Musicae Scientiae 21 (4), 369-389, 2017
Passion at the heart of musicians’ well-being
A Bonneville-Roussy, RJ Vallerand
Psychology of Music 48 (2), 266-282, 2020
Contribution of the psychosocial work environment to psychological distress among health care professionals before and during a major organizational change
M Lavoie-Tremblay, JP Bonin, AD Lesage, A Bonneville-Roussy, ...
The health care manager 29 (4), 293-304, 2010
Testing and extending the triple match principle in the nursing profession: A generational perspective on job demands, job resources and strain at work
M Lavoie‐Tremblay, SG Trépanier, C Fernet, A Bonneville‐Roussy
Journal of Advanced Nursing 70 (2), 310-322, 2014
The role of cultural values in teacher and student self-efficacy: Evidence from 16 nations
A Bonneville-Roussy, T Bouffard, O Palikara, C Vezeau
Contemporary educational psychology 59, 101798, 2019
What is ‘open-earedness’, and how can it be measured?
DJ Hargreaves, A Bonneville-Roussy
Musicae Scientiae 22 (2), 161-174, 2018
Implementation of evidence‐based practices in the context of a redevelopment project in a Canadian healthcare organization
M Lavoie‐Tremblay, MC Richer, C Marchionni, G Cyr, AD Biron, M Aubry, ...
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 44 (4), 418-427, 2012
Age trends in musical preferences in adulthood: 2. Sources of social influences as determinants of preferences
A Bonneville-Roussy, J Rust
Musicae Scientiae 22 (2), 175-195, 2018
Further validation of the BDI-II among people with chronic pain originating from musculoskeletal disorders
M Corbière, A Bonneville-Roussy, RL Franche, MF Coutu, M Choinière, ...
The Clinical journal of pain 27 (1), 62-69, 2011
Age trends in musical preferences in adulthood: 3. Perceived musical attributes as intrinsic determinants of preferences
A Bonneville-Roussy, T Eerola
Musicae Scientiae 22 (3), 394-414, 2018
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