Multiple workflow scheduling strategies with user run time estimates on a grid A Hirales-Carbajal, A Tchernykh, R Yahyapour, JL González-García, ... Journal of Grid Computing 10 (2), 325-346, 2012 | 119 | 2012 |
Job allocation strategies with user run time estimates for online scheduling in hierarchical grids JM Ramírez-Alcaraz, A Tchernykh, R Yahyapour, U Schwiegelshohn, ... Journal of Grid Computing 9 (1), 95-116, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
Adaptive parallel job scheduling with resource admissible allocation on two-level hierarchical grids A Quezada-Pina, A Tchernykh, JL González-García, A Hirales-Carbajal, ... Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (7), 965-976, 2012 | 37 | 2012 |
Load balancing for parallel computations with the finite element method JL González García, R Yahyapour, A Tchernykh Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 17 No. 3, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
Workload generation for trace based grid simulations A Hirales-Carbajal, JL González-García, A Tchernykh Procedding of the Ist international supercomputer conference in Mexico ISUM, 2010 | 5 | 2010 |
Workload Generation for Trace based Grid Simulations A Hirales, JL Gonzalez-Garcia, A Tchemykh First International SuperComputing Conference, ISUM, 2010 | 1 | 2010 |
Evaluación Experimental de Estrategias de Calendarización en Grid Computacional Utilizando un Esquema de Admisibilidad JL González-García, A Tchernykh, R Yahyapour | 1 | 2006 |
Graph Partitioning for the Finite Element Method: Reducing Communication Volume with the Directed Sorted Heavy Edge Matching JL González-García Göttingen, 2019 | | 2019 |
Hierarchical Grid Scheduling with admissible allocation schema JL González-García | | 2019 |
Balanceo de Cargas para Computación en Paralelo con el Método de Elementos Finitos JL González García, R Yahyapour, A Tchernykh Computación y Sistemas 17 (3), 299-316, 2013 | | 2013 |