Jean François Roux
Jean François Roux
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Analytical modeling and optimization of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy experiments, using photoswitches as antennas
L Duvillaret, F Garet, JF Roux, JL Coutaz
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 7 (4), 615-623, 2001
Imaging of broadband terahertz beams using an array of antenna-coupled microbolometers operating at room temperature
J Oden, J Meilhan, J Lalanne-Dera, JF Roux, F Garet, JL Coutaz, ...
Optics express 21 (4), 4817-4825, 2013
Be-doped low-temperature-grown GaAs material for optoelectronic switches
A Krotkus, K Bertulis, M Kaminska, K Korona, A Wolos, J Siegert, ...
IEE Proceedings-Optoelectronics 149 (3), 111-115, 2002
Phase‐matched frequency doubling in an aluminum nitride waveguide with a tunable laser source
D Blanc, AM Bouchoux, C Plumereau, A Cachard, JF Roux
Applied physics letters 66 (6), 659-661, 1995
Grating-assisted coupling of terahertz waves into a dielectric waveguide studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
JF Roux, F Aquistapace, F Garet, L Duvillaret, JL Coutaz
Applied optics 41 (30), 6507-6513, 2002
Time-resolved reflectivity characterization of polycrystalline low-temperature-grown GaAs
JF Roux, JL Coutaz, A Krotkus
Applied physics letters 74 (17), 2462-2464, 1999
Stable dual-wavelength microlaser controlled by the output mirror tilt angle
F Pallas, E Herault, J Zhou, JF Roux, G Vitrant
Applied Physics Letters 99 (24), 2011
Grating-assisted phase-matched second-harmonic generation from a polymer waveguide
G Blau, E Popov, F Kajzar, A Raimond, JF Roux, JL Coutaz
Optics letters 20 (10), 1101-1103, 1995
Photoconductivity sampling of low-temperature-grown Be-doped GaAs layers
H Eusèbe, JF Roux, JL Coutaz, A Krotkus
Journal of applied physics 98 (3), 2005
Evaluation of eight nonlinear crystals for phase-matched Terahertz second-order difference-frequency generation at room temperature
C Bernerd, P Segonds, J Debray, JF Roux, E Hérault, JL Coutaz, I Shoji, ...
Optical Materials Express 10 (2), 561-576, 2020
Principles and applications of THz time domain spectroscopy
JF Roux, F Garet, JL Coutaz
Physics and applications of terahertz radiation, 203-231, 2014
Photovariation of grating-assisted coupling of terahertz waves into a silicon waveguide
F Aquistapace, L Duvillaret, F Garet, JF Roux, JL Coutaz
Journal of applied physics 94 (12), 7888-7891, 2003
Simultaneous passively Q-switched dual-wavelength solid-state laser working at 1065 and 1066 nm
F Pallas, E Herault, JF Roux, A Kevorkian, JL Coutaz, G Vitrant
Optics Letters 37 (14), 2817-2819, 2012
Efficient three-dimensional photonic–plasmonic photoconductive switches for picosecond THz pulses
G Georgiou, C Geffroy, C Bauerle, JF Roux
ACS photonics 7 (6), 1444-1451, 2020
RF frequency response of photoconductive samplers
JF Roux, JM Delord, JL Coutaz
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 47 (2), 223-229, 2011
High permittivity processed SrTiO3 for metamaterials applications at terahertz frequencies
C Dupas, S Guillemet-Fritsch, PM Geffroy, T Chartier, M Baillergeau, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 15275, 2018
Grating-enhanced second-harmonic generation in polymer waveguides: role of losses
E Popov, M Neviere, R Reinisch, JL Coutaz, JF Roux
Applied optics 34 (18), 3398-3405, 1995
Be-doped low-temperature grown GaAs for ultrafast optoelectronic devices and applications
JL Coutaz, JF Roux, A Gaarder, S Marcinkevicius, J Jasinski, K Korona, ...
2000 International Semiconducting and Insulating Materials Conference. SIMC …, 2000
L’effet photodiélectrique dans le sulfure et dans l’oxyde de zinc
J Roux
Annales de Physique 13 (1), 493-545, 1956
L'effet photodiélectrique
J Roux
J. phys. radium 15 (3), 176-188, 1954
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