Anastasiya Lopukhina
Anastasiya Lopukhina
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RUSSE'2018: a shared task on word sense induction for the Russian language
A Panchenko, A Lopukhina, D Ustalov, K Lopukhin, N Arefyev, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.05795, 2018
The mental representation of polysemy across word classes
A Lopukhina, A Laurinavichyute, K Lopukhin, O Dragoy
Frontiers in psychology 9, 192, 2018
Language abilities of Russian primary-school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder: evidence from comprehensive assessment
V Arutiunian, A Lopukhina, A Minnigulova, A Shlyakhova, E Davydova, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 1-16, 2022
Monolingual and bilingual reading processes in Russian: An exploratory scanpath analysis
O Parshina, IA Sekerina, A Lopukhina, T von Der Malsburg
Reading Research Quarterly 57 (2), 469-492, 2022
Metaphor is between metonymy and homonymy: Evidence from event-related potentials
A Yurchenko, A Lopukhina, O Dragoy
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2113, 2020
Expressive and receptive language in Russian primary-school-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
V Arutiunian, A Lopukhina, A Minnigulova, A Shlyakhova, E Davydova, ...
Research in developmental disabilities 117, 104042, 2021
The effects of phonological neighborhood density in childhood word production and recognition in Russian are opposite to English
V Arutiunian, A Lopukhina
Journal of Child Language 47 (6), 1244-1262, 2020
Test for assessment of language development in Russian «KORABLIK»
A Lopukhina, A Chrabaszcz, M Khudyakova, I Korkina, A Yurchenko, ...
Proceedings of the Satellite of AMLaP conference “Typical and Atypical …, 2019
Global reading processes in children with high risk of dyslexia: a scanpath analysis
O Parshina, A Lopukhina, S Goldina, E Iskra, M Serebryakova, ...
Annals of Dyslexia 72 (3), 403-425, 2022
Identifying dyslexia in school pupils from eye movement and demographic data using artificial intelligence
S Shalileh, D Ignatov, A Lopukhina, O Dragoy
Plos one 18 (11), e0292047, 2023
Can heritage speakers predict lexical and morphosyntactic information in reading?
O Parshina, A Lopukhina, IA Sekerina
Languages 7 (1), 60, 2022
Morphosyntactic but not lexical corpus-based probabilities can substitute for cloze probabilities in reading experiments
A Lopukhina, K Lopukhin, A Laurinavichyute
PloS One 16 (1), e0246133, 2021
Word sense frequency of similar polysemous words in different languages
BL Iomdin, AA Lopukhina, KA Lopukhin, GV Nosyrev
Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Dialogue 2016, 214-225, 2016
Reliance on semantic and structural heuristics in sentence comprehension across the lifespan
A Lopukhina, A Laurinavichyute, S Malyutina, G Ryazanskaya, ...
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (7), 1367-1381, 2022
Word sense induction for Russian: deep study and comparison with dictionaries
KA Lopukhin, BL Iomdin, AA Lopukhina
Komp'yuternaya lingvistika i intellektual'nye tekhnologii: materialy …, 2017
Regular polysemy: from sense vectors to sense patterns
A Lopukhina, K Lopukhin
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex …, 2016
Towards a word sense frequency dictionary
B Iomdin, A Lopukhina, G Nosyrev
Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Proceedings of the …, 2014
Automated word sense frequency estimation for Russian nouns
A Lopukhina, K Lopukhin, G Nosyrev
Quantitative Approaches to the Russian Language, 79-94, 2017
Benchmark measures of eye movements during reading in Russian children
A Lopukhina, N Zdorova, V Staroverova, N Ladinskaya, A Kaprielova, ...
PsyArXiv, 2022
Representation of different types of adjectival polysemy in the mental lexicon
V Apresjan, A Lopukhina, M Zarifyan
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 742064, 2021
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