Faiz Currim
Faiz Currim
Professor of Practice, University of Arizona
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Cited by
Effects of office workstation type on physical activity and stress
CM Lindberg, K Srinivasan, B Gilligan, J Razjouyan, H Lee, B Najafi, ...
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 75 (10), 689-695, 2018
Wellbuilt for wellbeing: Controlling relative humidity in the workplace matters for our health
J Razjouyan, H Lee, B Gilligan, C Lindberg, H Nguyen, K Canada, ...
Indoor air 30 (1), 167-179, 2020
A Tale of Two Schemas: Creating a Temporal XML Schema from a Snapshot Schema with τXSchema
F Currim, S Currim, C Dyreson, RT Snodgrass
Advances in Database Technology-EDBT 2004: 9th International Conference on …, 2004
A big data approach for smart transportation management on bus network
Y Wang, S Ram, F Currim, E Dantas, LA Sabóia
2016 IEEE international smart cities conference (ISC2), 1-6, 2016
Validating quicksand: Temporal schema versioning in τXSchema
RT Snodgrass, C Dyreson, F Currim, S Currim, S Joshi
Data & Knowledge Engineering 65 (2), 223-242, 2008
SMARTBUS: A web application for smart urban mobility and transportation
S Ram, Y Wang, F Currim, F Dong, E Dantas, LA Sabóia
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web …, 2016
Deep learning of spatiotemporal patterns for urban mobility prediction using big data
Y Wang, F Currim, S Ram
Information Systems Research 33 (2), 579-598, 2022
Using big data for predicting freshmen retention
S Ram, Y Wang, F Currim, S Currim
τXSchema: Support for data-and schema-versioned XML documents
F Currim, S Currim, CE Dyreson, S Joshi, RT Snodgrass, SW Thomas, ...
TimeCenter Technical Report TR-91, 279 pages, 2009
The Latin American ICBG: The First Five Years.
BN Timmermann, G Wächter, S Valcic, B Hutchinson, C Casler, J Henzel, ...
Pharmaceutical Biology 37, 1999
Predicting high-cost patients at point of admission using network science
K Srinivasan, F Currim, S Ram
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 22 (6), 1970-1977, 2017
Modeling spatial and temporal set-based constraints during conceptual database design
F Currim, S Ram
Information Systems Research 23 (1), 109-128, 2012
Adding temporal constraints to XML schema
FA Currim, SA Currim, CE Dyreson, RT Snodgrass, SW Thomas, R Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 24 (8), 1361-1377, 2011
Validating Quicksand: Schema Versioning in\tauXSchema
C Dyreson, RT Snodgrass, F Currim, S Currim, S Joshi
22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'06), 82-82, 2006
A maintenance centric approach to the view selection problem
R Hylock, F Currim
Information Systems 38 (7), 971-987, 2013
Toward NEPA performance: A framework for assessing EIAs
K Emerson, E Baldwin, TA Scott, JR Pidot, AM Lien, F Currim, S Bethard, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 97, 106879, 2022
Using a knowledge learning framework to predict errors in database design
S Currim, S Ram, A Durcikova, F Currim
Information Systems 40, 11-31, 2014
Weaving temporal and reliability aspects into a schema tapestry
C Dyreson, RT Snodgrass, F Currim, S Currim, S Joshi
Data & Knowledge Engineering 63 (3), 752-773, 2007
Schema-mediated exchange of temporal XML data
C Dyreson, RT Snodgrass, F Currim, S Currim
Conceptual Modeling-ER 2006: 25th International Conference on Conceptual …, 2006
Conceptually modeling windows and bounds for space and time in database constraints
F Currim, S Ram
Communications of the ACM 51 (11), 125-129, 2008
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Articles 1–20