Jonathan Karr
Jonathan Karr
Deep Origin
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Cited by
A whole-cell computational model predicts phenotype from genotype
JR Karr, JC Sanghvi, DN Macklin, MV Gutschow, JM Jacobs, B Bolival, ...
Cell 150 (2), 389-401, 2012
Integrating metabolic, transcriptional regulatory and signal transduction models in Escherichia coli
MW Covert, N Xiao, TJ Chen, JR Karr
Bioinformatics 24 (18), 2044-2050, 2008
SBML Level 3: an extensible format for the exchange and reuse of biological models
SM Keating, D Waltemath, M König, F Zhang, A Dräger, C Chaouiya, ...
Molecular systems biology 16 (8), e9110, 2020
Towards a whole-cell modeling approach for synthetic biology
O Purcell, B Jain, JR Karr, MW Covert, TK Lu
Chaos 23 (2), 025112, 2013
The principles of whole-cell modeling
JR Karr, K Takahashi, A Funahashi
Current Opinion in Microbiology 27, 18-24, 2015
Accelerated discovery via a whole-cell model
JC Sanghvi, S Regot, S Carrasco, JR Karr, MV Gutschow, B Bolival Jr, ...
Nature Methods 10 (12), 1192, 2013
A blueprint for human whole-cell modeling
B Szigeti, YD Roth, JAP Sekar, AP Goldberg, SC Pochiraju, JR Karr
Current Opinion in Systems Biology 7, 8-15, 2018
Emerging whole-cell modeling principles and methods
AP Goldberg, B Szigeti, YH Chew, JAP Sekar, YD Roth, JR Karr
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 51, 97-102, 2018
WholeCellKB: model organism databases for comprehensive whole-cell models
JR Karr, JC Sanghvi, DN Macklin, A Arora, MW Covert
Nucleic Acids Research 41 (D1), D787-D792, 2012
Toward community standards and software for whole-cell modeling
D Waltemath, JR Karr, FT Bergmann, V Chelliah, M Hucka, M Krantz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (10), 2007-2014, 2016
Building structural models of a whole mycoplasma cell
M Maritan, L Autin, J Karr, MW Covert, AJ Olson, DS Goodsell
Journal of molecular biology 434 (2), 167351, 2022
Summary of the DREAM8 parameter estimation challenge: toward parameter identification for whole-cell models
JR Karr, AH Williams, JD Zucker, A Raue, B Steiert, J Timmer, C Kreutz, ...
PLoS Computational Biology 11 (5), 2015
Computer-aided whole-cell design: taking a holistic approach by integrating synthetic with systems biology
L Marucci, M Barberis, J Karr, O Ray, PR Race, M de Souza Andrade, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 942, 2020
Best practices for making reproducible biochemical models
VL Porubsky, AP Goldberg, AK Rampadarath, DP Nickerson, JR Karr, ...
Cell systems 11 (2), 109-120, 2020
Guidelines for reproducibly building and simulating systems biology models
JK Medley, AP Goldberg, JR Karr
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (10), 2015-2020, 2016
WholeCellSimDB: a hybrid relational/HDF database for whole-cell model predictions
JR Karr, NC Phillips, MW Covert
Database 2014, bau095, 2014
DREAMTools: a Python package for scoring collaborative challenges
T Cokelaer, M Bansal, C Bare, E Bilal, BM Bot, EC Neto, F Eduati, ...
F1000Research 4, 1030, 2016
WholeCellViz: data visualization for whole-cell models
R Lee, JR Karr, MW Covert
BMC Bioinformatics 14 (1), 253, 2013
Organizing genome engineering for the gigabase scale
BA Bartley, J Beal, JR Karr, EA Strychalski
Nature Communicatons 11, 689, 2020
BioSimulators: a central registry of simulation engines and services for recommending specific tools
B Shaikh, LP Smith, D Vasilescu, G Marupilla, M Wilson, E Agmon, ...
Nucleic acids research 50 (W1), W108-W114, 2022
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Articles 1–20