Deanna Francis
Deanna Francis
Macquarie University
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Cited by
Phonics training for English‐speaking poor readers
G McArthur, Y Sheehan, NA Badcock, DA Francis, HC Wang, S Kohnen, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018
The association between poor reading and internalising problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis
DA Francis, N Caruana, JL Hudson, GM McArthur
Clinical psychology review 67, 45-60, 2019
Self-concept in poor readers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
GM McArthur, N Filardi, DA Francis, ME Boyes, NA Badcock
PeerJ 8, e8772, 2020
The effect of an integrated reading and anxiety intervention for poor readers with anxiety
D Francis, JL Hudson, S Kohnen, L Mobach, GM McArthur
PeerJ 9, e10987, 2021
Estimated prevalence of depressive disorders in children from 2004 to 2019: a systematic review and meta-analysis
MJ Spoelma, GL Sicouri, DA Francis, AD Songco, EK Daniel, JL Hudson
JAMA pediatrics, 2023
Are different reading problems associated with different anxiety types?
DA Francis, JL Hudson, S Robidoux, GM McArthur
Applied Cognitive Psychology 36 (4), 793-804, 2022
Self-concept in poor readers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PeerJ, 8, e8772
GM McArthur, N Filardi, DA Francis, ME Boyes, NA Badcock
The Macquarie Oxford Reading Anxiety Test-Parents (MoRAT-P)
D Francis, K Nation, G McArthur
Self-concept in poor readers: a systematic review protocol
GM McArthur, D Francis, N Caruana, ME Boyes, NA Badcock
PeerJ Preprints, 2016
Reading and Psychosocial Development in Finnish Children: Poor Reading Is Associated With Later Anxiety
S Robidoux, K Eklund, G McArthur, DA Francis, M Torppa, T Aro
PsyArXiv, 2023
Reading and emotional-behavioural development in Finnish children: a longitudinal study of associations
S Robidoux, K Eklund, GM McArthur, DA Francis, T Aro, M Torppa
Reading and Writing, 1-24, 2024
The impact of universal mental health screening on stigma in primary schools
A Songco, DA Francis, EA McDermott, CYS Lim, A Allsop, J Croguennec, ...
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 19, 5, 2025
Physiological correlates of anxiety in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
K Ko, A Jones, D Francis, S Robidoux, G McArthur
Stress and Health, e3388, 2024
Physiological indicators of anxiety in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis
K Ko, A Jones, D Francis, S Robidoux, G McArthur
PsyArXiv, 2023
The Macquarie Oxford Reading Anxiety Test-Adults (MoRAT-A)
D Francis, K Nation, G McArthur
Poor reading, poor self-concept, and anxiety: A review of the evidence and some practical advice
D Francis, G McArthur
The relationship between children's reading ability and emotional health
D Francis
Macquarie University, 2016
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Articles 1–17