Tatyana Petrova | Петрова Татьяна Анатольевна
Tatyana Petrova | Петрова Татьяна Анатольевна
Saint Petersburg Mining University | Санкт-Петербургский горный университет
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Rehabilitation of disturbed lands with industrial wastewater sludge
TA Petrova, E Rudzisha, AV Alekseenko, J Bech, MA Pashkevich
Minerals 12 (3), 376, 2022
Antimicrobial resistance of nosocomial* Enterobacterales* isolates in Russia: results of multicenter epidemiological study “MARATHON 2015–2016”
VS Marina, VE Mikhail, YS Elena, VI Nataly, RS Elvira, VM Anna, ...
Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy 21 (2), 147-159, 2019
Assessment of widespread air pollution in the megacity using geographic information systems
MA Pashkevich, TA Petrova
Записки Горного института 228, 738-742, 2017
Recyclability of ore beneficiation wastes at the Lomonosov Deposit
MA Pashkevich, TA Petrova
Journal of Ecological Engineering 20 (2), 2019
Lignin sludge application for forest land reclamation: Feasibility assessment
MA Pashkevich, TA Petrova, E Rudzisha
Записки Горного института 235, 106-112, 2019
Technogenic impact of sulphide-containing wastes produced by ore mining and processing at the ozernoe deposit: Investigation and forecast
MA Pashkevich, TA Petrova
Journal of Ecological Engineering 18 (6), 2017
Antimicrobial resistance, carbapenemase production, and genotypes of nosocomial* Acinetobacter* spp. isolates in Russia: results of multicenter epidemiological study” MARATHON …
AS Evgenij, VS Marina, VE Mikhail, YS Elena, VI Nataly, RS Elvira, ...
Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 21 (2), 171-180, 2019
Development of an operational environmental monitoring system for hazardous industrial facilities of Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy
MA Pashkevich, TA Petrova
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1384 (1), 012040, 2019
Application of polymeric materials for abating the environmental impact of mine wastes
MA Pashkevich, AV Alekseenko, TA Petrova
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1384 (1), 012039, 2019
Creation of a system for industrial environmental monitoring in hydrocarbon producing and transporting companies оf Western Siberia
MA Pashkevich, TA Petrova
Journal of Mining Institute 221, 737-737, 2016
Using drones of preconstruction monitoring conducting in mining enterprise
A Danilov, Y Smirnov, T Petrova, M Pashkevich
Int. J. Ecol. Dev 30, 36-42, 2015
Utilization of sewage sludge as an ameliorant for reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands
TА Petrova, E Rudzisha
Записки Горного института 251, 767-776, 2021
Оценка площадного загрязнения атмосферного воздуха в мегаполисе с использованием геоинформационных систем
МА Пашкевич, ТА Петрова
Записки Горного института 228, 738-742, 2017
Environmental integrated monitoring system at reclamation of large open-cast coal mine
AS Danilov, MA Pashkevich, TA Petrova
Innovation-Based Development of the Mineral Resources Sector: Challenges and …, 2018
Оценка потенциальной возможности использования лигнин-шламов для лесохозяйственной рекультивации нарушенных земель
МА Пашкевич, ТА Петрова, Э Рудзиш
Записки горного института 235, 106-112, 2019
Molybdenum removal from drainage waters of tailing dumps of Apatit JSC
VA Matveeva, TA Petrova, MA Chukaeva
Obogashchenie Rud 2, 42-47, 2018
Создание системы производственного экологического мониторинга на предприятиях по добыче и транспортировке углеводородов Западной Сибири
МА Пашкевич, ТА Петрова
Записки горного института 221, 737-741, 2016
Antimicrobial resistance, carbapenemase production, and genotypes of nosocomial* Pseudomonas aeruginosa* isolates in Russia: results of multicenter epidemiological study …
VE Mikhail, AS Evgenij, VS Marina, YS Elena, VI Nataly, RS Elvira, ...
Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy 21 (2), 160-170, 2019
Assessment and control of environmental and economic risk in Novorossiysk industrial agglomeration
MA Pashkevich, AV Alekseenko, TA Petrova
Proceedings of the Tula states university-sciences of Earth 1, 23-35, 2018
Technology of artificial deposit preservation at the Kursk magnetic anomaly
MA Pashkevich, TA Petrova
Journal of Ecological Engineering 17 (4), 11--16, 2016
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Articles 1–20