Steffen Wolf
Steffen Wolf
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
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Cited by
Cited by
An objective comparison of cell-tracking algorithms
V Ulman, M Maška, KEG Magnusson, O Ronneberger, C Haubold, ...
Nature methods 14 (12), 1141-1152, 2017
Evolutionary Local Search for the Super-Peer Selection Problem and the p-Hub Median Problem
S Wolf, P Merz
International workshop on hybrid metaheuristics, 1-15, 2007
The Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning
S Wolf, C Pape, A Bailoni, N Rahaman, A Kreshuk, U Kothe, ...
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 546-562, 2018
Learned Watershed: End-to-End Learning of Seeded Segmentation
S Wolf, L Schott, U Köthe, F Hamprecht
International Conference on Computer Vision: ICCV 2017, 2017
Evolutionary local search for the minimum energy broadcast problem
S Wolf, P Merz
European conference on evolutionary computation in combinatorial …, 2008
Microscopy‐based assay for semi‐quantitative detection of SARS‐CoV‐2 specific antibodies in human sera: A semi‐quantitative, high throughput, microscopy‐based assay expands …
C Pape, R Remme, A Wolny, S Olberg, S Wolf, L Cerrone, M Cortese, ...
Bioessays 43 (3), 2000257, 2021
Nested partitioning for the minimum energy broadcast problem
S Al-Shihabi, P Merz, S Wolf
International conference on learning and intelligent optimization, 1-11, 2007
Temporal control of the integrated stress response by a stochastic molecular switch
P Klein, SM Kallenberger, H Roth, K Roth, TBN Ly-Hartig, V Magg, J Aleš, ...
Science Advances 8 (12), eabk2022, 2022
A generalized framework for agglomerative clustering of signed graphs applied to instance segmentation
A Bailoni, C Pape, S Wolf, T Beier, A Kreshuk, FA Hamprecht
Evolutionary local search for designing peer-to-peer overlay topologies based on minimum routing cost spanning trees
P Merz, S Wolf
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 272-281, 2006
Super-peer selection in peer-to-peer networks using network coordinates
P Merz, M Priebe, S Wolf
2008 Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2008
TreeOpt: Self-organizing, evolving P2P overlay topologies based on spanning trees
P Merz, S Wolf
Communication in Distributed Systems-15. ITG/GI Symposium, 1-12, 2007
The semantic mutex watershed for efficient bottom-up semantic instance segmentation
S Wolf, Y Li, C Pape, A Bailoni, A Kreshuk, FA Hamprecht
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Tracking objects with higher order interactions via delayed column generation
S Wang, S Wolf, C Fowlkes, J Yarkony
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1132-1140, 2017
A generalized successive shortest paths solver for tracking dividing targets
C Haubold, J Aleš, S Wolf, FA Hamprecht
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
GASP, a generalized framework for agglomerative clustering of signed graphs and its application to Instance Segmentation
A Bailoni, C Pape, N Hütsch, S Wolf, T Beier, A Kreshuk, FA Hamprecht
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Current approaches to fate mapping and lineage tracing using image data
S Wolf, Y Wan, K McDole
Development 148 (18), dev198994, 2021
LeMoNADe: Learned motif and neuronal assembly detection in calcium imaging videos
E Kirschbaum, M Haußmann, S Wolf, H Sonntag, J Schneider, S Elzoheiry, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.09963, 2018
A simulation framework for distributed super-peer topology construction using network coordinates
P Merz, M Priebe, S Wolf
16th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based …, 2008
K. Sirinukunwattana, J. Pluim, H. Chen, X. Qi, P. Heng, Y. Guo, L. Wang, B. Matuszewski, E. Bruni, U. Sanchez, Anton Böhm, Olaf Ronneberger, B. Cheikh, D. Racoceanu, P. Kainz …
V Ulman, M Maška, K Magnusson, C Haubold, N Harder, P Matula, ...
Nature Methods 14, 1141-1152, 2017
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Articles 1–20