Andriy Bogucki / Андрій Богуцький
Andriy Bogucki / Андрій Богуцький
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
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Природа Львівської області
З Геренчука, К.І.
Львів: Вид-во Львів. ун-ту, 150, 1972
Природа Волинської області
КІ Геренчук
К.: Вища школа, 1975
Palaeowind directions recorded in the youngest loess in Poland and western Ukraine as derived from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements
J Nawrocki, O POLECHOǸSKA, A Boguckij, M Łanczont
Boreas 35 (2), 266-271, 2006
Correlation of Pleistocene deposits in the area between the Baltic and Black Sea, Central Europe
L Lindner, A Bogutsky, P Gozhik, L Marks, M Łanczont, J Wojtanowicz
Geological Quarterly 50, 195-210, 2006
Антропогеновые покровные отложения Волыно-Подолии
АБ Богуцкий
Антропогеновые отложения Украины.–Киев: Наук. думка, 121-132, 1986
Loess-paleosol sequence at Korshiv (Ukraine): Chronology based on complementary and parallel dating (TL, OSL), and litho-pedosedimentary analyses
S Fedorowicz, M Łanczont, A Bogucki, J Kusiak, P Mroczek, G Adamiec, ...
Quaternary international 296, 117-130, 2013
The paleo- and petromagnetic record in the Polish and Ukrainian loess-paleosol sequences
J Nawrocki, V Bakhmutov, A Bogucki, L Dolecki
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy 24 (9 …, 1999
The magnetic susceptibility record in the Polish and western Ukrainian loess‐palaeosol sequences conditioned by palaeoclimate
J Nawrocki, A Wøjcik, A Bogucki
Boreas 25 (3), 161-169, 1996
Periglacial landscapes of the East European plain
AA Velichko, AB Bogucki, TD Morozova, VP Udartsev, TA Khalcheva, ...
Late Quaternary Environments of the Soviet Union, 95-118, 1984
New Late Vendian palaeogeography of Baltica and the TESZ
J Nawrocki, A Bogutsky, V Katinas
Geological Quarterly 48 (4), 309-316, 2004
High-resolution terrestrial archive of climatic oscillations during Oxygen Isotope Stages 5-2 in the loess-palaeosol sequence at Kolodiiv (East Carpathian Foreland, Ukraine)
M Łanczont, A Bogutsky
Geological Quarterly 51 (2), 105-126, 2007
Badane profile lessowe i stanowiska paleolityczne Naddniestrza halickiego
M Łanczont, A Boguckyj
Studia Geologica Polonica 119, 33-181, 2002
The Matuyama–Brunhes boundary and the nature of magnetic remanence acquisition in the loess–palaeosol sequence from the western part of the East European loess province
J Nawrocki, A Bogucki, M Łanczont, NR Nowaczyk
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 188 (1-2), 39-50, 2002
Correlation of main climatic glacial-interglacial and loess-palaeosol cycles in the Pleistocene of Poland and Ukraine
L Lindner, A Bogutsky, P Gozhik, B Marciniak, L Marks, M Łańczot, ...
Acta Geologica Polonica 52 (4), 459-469, 2002
Paleolityczna ekumena strefy pery- i metakarpackiej
M Łanczont, T Madeyska, A Bogucki, P Mroczek, B Hołub, B Łącka, ...
Stratygrafia lessow Naddniestrza halickiego
A Boguckyj, M Łanczont
Studia Geologica Polonica 119, 315-327, 2002
Основные лёссовые и палеопочвенные горизонты перигляциальной лёссово-почвенной серии плейстоцена юго-запада Восточно-Европейской равнины
А Богуцкий
Стратиграфия и корреляция морских и континентальных отложений Украины, 47-52, 1987
Palaeowind directions and sources of detrital material archived in the Roxolany loess section (southern Ukraine)
J Nawrocki, P Gozhik, M Łanczont, M Pańczyk, M Komar, A Bogucki, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 496, 121-135, 2018
Природа Тернопільської області
З Геренчука, К.І.
Львів: Вища школа, 1979
Stratigraphic position and natural environment of the oldest Middle Palaeolithic in central Podolia, Ukraine: New data from the Velykyi Glybochok site
M Łanczont, T Madeyska, A Bogucki, O Sytnyk, J Kusiak, Z Frankowski, ...
Quaternary International 326, 191-212, 2014
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