Markus J. Peterson
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Cited by
Rearticulating the myth of human–wildlife conflict
MN Peterson, JL Birckhead, K Leong, MJ Peterson, TR Peterson
Conservation Letters 3 (2), 74-82, 2010
Wildlife study design
ML Morrison, WM Block, MD Strickland, BA Collier, MJ Peterson
Springer, New York, USA, 2008
Obscuring ecosystem function with application of the ecosystem services concept
MJ Peterson, DM Hall, AM Feldpausch‐Parker, TR Peterson
Conservation Biology 24 (1), 113-119, 2010
Conservation and the myth of consensus
MN Peterson, MJ Peterson, TR Peterson
Conservation Biology 19 (3), 762-767, 2005
Information theory in wildlife science: Critique and viewpoint
FS Guthery, LA Brennan, MJ Peterson, JJ Lusk
The Journal of Wildlife Management 69 (2), 457-465, 2005
Estimating bobcat abundance using automatically triggered cameras
RD Heilbrun, NJ Silvy, MJ Peterson, ME Tewes
Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 (1), 69-73, 2006
Using automatically triggered cameras to individually identify bobcats
RD Heilbrun, NJ Silvy, ME Tewes, MJ Peterson
Wildlife Society Bulletin 31 (3), 748-755, 2003
Wildlife marking techniques
NJ Silvy, RR Lopez, MJ Peterson
Techniques for wildlife investigations and management, 339–376, 2005
The northern bobwhite decline: Scaling our management for the twenty-first century
CK Williams, FS Guthery, RD Applegate, MJ Peterson
Wildlife Society Bulletin 32 (3), 861-869, 2004
Spatial associations among density of cattle, abundance of wild canids, and seroprevalence to Neospora caninum in a population of beef calves
KS Barling, M Sherman, MJ Peterson, JA Thompson, JW McNeill, ...
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 217 (9), 1361-1365, 2000
Differential influence of weather on regional quail abundance in Texas
AS Bridges, MJ Peterson, NJ Silvy, FE Smeins, X Ben Wu
The Journal of Wildlife Management 65 (1), 10-18, 2001
Viability of northern bobwhite populations
FS Guthery, MJ Peterson, RR George
The Journal of Wildlife Management 64 (3), 646-662, 2000
Cultural conflict and the endangered Florida Key deer
MN Peterson, TR Peterson, MJ Peterson, RR Lopez, NJ Silvy
The Journal of Wildlife Management 66 (4), 947-968, 2002
Environmental communication: Why this crisis discipline should facilitate environmental democracy
M Nils Peterson, MJ Peterson, T Rai Peterson
Environmental Communication 1 (1), 74-86, 2007
Evaluation of a global positioning system backpack transmitter for wild turkey research
JD Guthrie, ME Byrne, JB Hardin, CO Kochanny, KL Skow, RT Snelgrove, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (3), 539-547, 2011
Habitat-use patterns of Florida Key deer: Implications of urban development
RR Lopez, NJ Silvy, RN Wilkins, PA Frank, MJ Peterson, MN Peterson
The Journal of Wildlife Management 68 (4), 900-908, 2004
The fall of the null hypothesis: Liabilities and opportunities
FS Guthery, JJ Lusk, MJ Peterson
The Journal of Wildlife Management 65 (3), 379-384, 2001
Biodiversity conservation and indigenous land management in the era of self‐determination
PM Schmidt, MJ Peterson
Conservation Biology 23 (6), 1458-1466, 2009
A tale of two species: Habitat conservation plans as bounded conflict
MN Peterson, SA Allison, MJ Peterson, TR Peterson, RR Lopez
Journal of Wildlife Management 68 (4), 743-761, 2004
Illegal domestic bird trade and the role of export quotas in Peru
EF Daut, DJ Brightsmith, PA Mendoza, L Puhakka, MJ Peterson
Journal for Nature Conservation 27, 44–53, 2015
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