Rik Pieters
Rik Pieters
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Consumer Behaviour: Asia-Pacific Edition
WD Hoyer, DJ MacInnis, R Pieters, E Chan, G Northey
Cengage AU, 2017
Beyond valence in customer dissatisfaction: A review and new findings on behavioral responses to regret and disappointment in failed services
M Zeelenberg, R Pieters
Journal of business Research 57 (4), 445-455, 2004
A theory of regret regulation 1.0
M Zeelenberg, R Pieters
Journal of Consumer psychology 17 (1), 3-18, 2007
Angry customers don't come back, they get back: The experience and behavioral implications of anger and dissatisfaction in services
R Bougie, R Pieters, M Zeelenberg
Journal of the academy of marketing science 31 (4), 377-393, 2003
Attention capture and transfer in advertising: Brand, pictorial, and text-size effects
R Pieters, M Wedel
Journal of marketing 68 (2), 36-50, 2004
Goal-directed emotions
RP Bagozzi, R Pieters
Cognition & Emotion 12 (1), 1-26, 1998
Leveling up and down: the experiences of benign and malicious envy.
N Van de Ven, M Zeelenberg, R Pieters
Emotion 9 (3), 419, 2009
Visual attention during brand choice: The impact of time pressure and task motivation
R Pieters, L Warlop
International Journal of research in Marketing 16 (1), 1-16, 1999
A review of eye-tracking research in marketing
M Wedel, R Pieters
Review of marketing research, 123-147, 2017
The stopping power of advertising: Measures and effects of visual complexity
R Pieters, M Wedel, R Batra
Journal of marketing 74 (5), 48-60, 2010
Eye fixations on advertisements and memory for brands: A model and findings
M Wedel, R Pieters
Marketing science 19 (4), 297-312, 2000
A means-end chain approach to consumer goal structures
R Pieters, H Baumgartner, D Allen
International journal of research in marketing 12 (3), 227-244, 1995
Breaking through the clutter: Benefits of advertisement originality and familiarity for brand attention and memory
R Pieters, L Warlop, M Wedel
Management science 48 (6), 765-781, 2002
On emotion specificity in decision making: Why feeling is for doing
M Zeelenberg, RMA Nelissen, SM Breugelmans, R Pieters
Judgment and Decision making 3 (1), 18-27, 2008
“Never eat in that restaurant, I did!”: Exploring why people engage in negative word‐of‐mouth communication
IM Wetzer, M Zeelenberg, R Pieters
Psychology & Marketing 24 (8), 661-680, 2007
The structural influence of marketing journals: A citation analysis of the discipline and its subareas over time
H Baumgartner, R Pieters
Journal of marketing 67 (2), 123-139, 2003
New empirical generalizations on the determinants of price elasticity
THA Bijmolt, HJ Van Heerde, RGM Pieters
Journal of marketing research 42 (2), 141-156, 2005
Emotion-induced engagement in internet video advertisements
T Teixeira, M Wedel, R Pieters
Journal of marketing research 49 (2), 144-159, 2012
Future‐oriented emotions: Conceptualization and behavioral effects
H Baumgartner, R Pieters, RP Bagozzi
European Journal of Social Psychology 38 (4), 685-696, 2008
Dynamics of multiple-goal pursuit.
MJ Louro, R Pieters, M Zeelenberg
Journal of personality and social psychology 93 (2), 174, 2007
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Articles 1–20