Pierre Collet
Pierre Collet
Profesor-Investigador, ITISB, UNAB, Viña del Mar, Chile
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене unab.cl
A framework for distributed evolutionary algorithms
MG Arenas, P Collet, AE Eiben, M Jelasity, JJ Merelo, B Paechter, ...
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature—PPSN VII: 7th International Conference …, 2002
Coarse grain parallelization of evolutionary algorithms on GPGPU cards with EASEA
O Maitre, LA Baumes, N Lachiche, A Corma, P Collet
Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2009
Take it EASEA
P Collet, E Lutton, M Schoenauer, J Louchet
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN VI: 6th International Conference …, 2000
A benchmark study of ab initio gene prediction methods in diverse eukaryotic organisms
N Scalzitti, A Jeannin-Girardon, P Collet, O Poch, JD Thompson
BMC genomics 21, 1-20, 2020
Polar ifs+ parisian genetic programming= efficient ifs inverse problem solving
P Collet, E Lutton, F Raynal, M Schoenauer
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 1, 339-361, 2000
Ant colony optimisation for e-learning: Observing the emergence of pedagogic suggestions
Y Semet, E Lutton, P Collet
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium. SIS'03 (Cat. No …, 2003
Avoiding the bloat with stochastic grammar-based genetic programming
A Ratle, M Sebag
International Conference on Artificial Evolution (Evolution Artificielle …, 2001
Foundations and applications of artificial Intelligence for zero-day and multi-step attack detection
P Parrend, J Navarro, F Guigou, A Deruyver, P Collet
EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2018, 1-21, 2018
Stochastic optimization algorithms
P Collet, JP Rennard
Intelligent information technologies: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …, 2008
Spliceator: multi-species splice site prediction using convolutional neural networks
N Scalzitti, A Kress, R Orhand, T Weber, L Moulinier, A Jeannin-Girardon, ...
BMC bioinformatics 22, 1-26, 2021
Massively parallel evolutionary computation on GPGPUs
S Tsutsui
Springer, 2013
Individual GP: an alternative viewpoint for the resolution of complex problems
P Collet, E Lutton, F Raynal, M Schoenauer
GECCO, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,, 1999
Artificial ant colonies and e-learning: An optimisation of pedagogical paths
Y Semet, Y Yamont, R Biojout, E Luton, P Collet
10th International conference on human-computer interaction, 2003
An ontology-based approach for inventive problem solving
W Yan, C Zanni-Merk, D Cavallucci, P Collet
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 27, 175-190, 2014
A new universal cellular automaton discovered by evolutionary algorithms
E Sapin, O Bailleux, JJ Chabrier, P Collet
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation–GECCO 2004: Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2004
EASEA: specification and execution of evolutionary algorithms on GPGPU
O Maitre, F Krüger, S Querry, N Lachiche, P Collet
Soft Computing 16 (2), 261-279, 2012
Efficient parallel implementation of evolutionary algorithms on GPGPU cards
O Maitre, N Lachiche, P Clauss, L Baumes, A Corma, P Collet
Euro-Par 2009 Parallel Processing: 15th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2009
Speedups between× 70 and× 120 for a generic local search (memetic) algorithm on a single GPGPU chip
F Krüger, O Maitre, S Jiménez, L Baumes, P Collet
European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 501-511, 2010
Understanding the causes of errors in eukaryotic protein-coding gene prediction: a case study of primate proteomes
C Meyer, N Scalzitti, A Jeannin-Girardon, P Collet, O Poch, JD Thompson
BMC bioinformatics 21, 1-16, 2020
Using genetic programming for an advanced performance assessment of industrially relevant heterogeneous catalysts
LA Baumes, A Blansché, P Serna, A Tchougang, N Lachiche, P Collet, ...
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 24 (3), 282-292, 2009
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