Xiang-Yang (Ben) Liu
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Cited by
EAM potential for magnesium from quantum mechanical forces
XY Liu, JB Adams, F Ercolessi, JA Moriarty
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 4 (3), 293, 1996
Interface defects, reference spaces and the Frank–Bilby equation
JP Hirth, RC Pond, RG Hoagland, XY Liu, J Wang
Progress in Materials Science 58 (5), 749-823, 2013
Aluminium interatomic potential from density functional theory calculations with improved stacking fault energy
XY Liu, F Ercolessi, JB Adams
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 12 (4), 665, 2004
Anisotropic surface segregation in Al-Mg alloys
XY Liu, PP Ohotnicky, JB Adams, CL Rohrer, RW Hyland Jr
Surface science 373 (2), 357-370, 1997
Grain-boundary segregation in Al–10% Mg alloys at hot working temperatures
XY Liu, JB Adams
Acta Materialia 46 (10), 3467-3476, 1998
The influence of interface shear strength on the glide dislocation–interface interactions
J Wang, RG Hoagland, XY Liu, A Misra
Acta Materialia 59 (8), 3164-3173, 2011
Embedded-atom-method tantalum potential developed by the force-matching method
Y Li, DJ Siegel, JB Adams, XY Liu
Physical Review B 67 (12), 125101, 2003
Atomistic modeling of intrinsic and radiation-enhanced fission gas (Xe) diffusion in UO2±x: Implications for nuclear fuel performance modeling
DA Andersson, P Garcia, XY Liu, G Pastore, M Tonks, P Millett, B Dorado, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 451 (1-3), 225-242, 2014
Anisotropic thermal conductivity in uranium dioxide
K Gofryk, S Du, CR Stanek, JC Lashley, XY Liu, RK Schulze, JL Smith, ...
Nature Communications 5, 4551, 2014
Ab initio modeling of boron clustering in silicon
W Windl, XY Liu, MP Masquelier
Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Computational …, 2001
Development of glue-type potentials for the Al–Pb system: phase diagram calculation
A Landa, P Wynblatt, DJ Siegel, JB Adams, ON Mryasov, XY Liu
Acta materialia 48 (8), 1753-1761, 2000
Revisiting the Al/Al2O3 Interface: Coherent Interfaces and Misfit Accommodation
G Pilania, BJ Thijsse, RG Hoagland, I Lazić, SM Valone, XY Liu
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4485, 2014
First-principles study of phosphorus diffusion in silicon: Interstitial-and vacancy-mediated diffusion mechanisms
XY Liu, W Windl, KM Beardmore, MP Masquelier
Applied physics letters 82 (12), 1839-1841, 2003
Development of a Multiscale Thermal Conductivity Model for Fission Gas in UO2
MR Tonks, XY Liu, D Andersson, D Perez, A Chernatynskiy, G Pastore, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 469, 89-98, 2016
Role of interface structure on the plastic response of Cu/Nb nanolaminates under shock compression: Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations
RF Zhang, TC Germann, J Wang, XY Liu, IJ Beyerlein
Scripta Materialia 68 (2), 114-117, 2013
A new investigation of copper's role in enhancing Al–Cu interconnect electromigration resistance from an atomistic view
XY Liu, CL Liu, LJ Borucki
Acta materialia 47 (11), 3227-3231, 1999
Effects of three-dimensional Cu/Nb interfaces on strengthening and shear banding in nanoscale metallic multilayers
Y Chen, N Li, RG Hoagland, XY Liu, JK Baldwin, IJ Beyerlein, JY Cheng, ...
Acta Materialia 199, 593-601, 2020
Thermodynamics of fission products in UO2±x
PV Nerikar, XY Liu, BP Uberuaga, CR Stanek, SR Phillpot, SB Sinnott
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (43), 435602, 2009
Molecular dynamics simulation of Cu and Ar ion sputtering of Cu (111) surfaces
JD Kress, DE Hanson, AF Voter, CL Liu, XY Liu, DG Coronell
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 17 (5 …, 1999
Atomistic studies of segregation and diffusion in Al-Cu grain boundaries
XY Liu, W Xu, SM Foiles, JB Adams
Applied physics letters 72 (13), 1578-1580, 1998
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Articles 1–20