Vsevolod Voronov
Vsevolod Voronov
Caucasus Mathematical Center
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене mipt.ru
On the chromatic number of an infinitesimal plane layer
A Kanel-Belov, V Voronov, D Cherkashin
St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 29 (5), 761-775, 2018
Problem of programmed spacecraft control as a nonlinear boundary-value problem in the space of states
VA Voronov, EI Druzhinin
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 43 (3), 458-465, 2004
System-theoretical foundation for identification of dynamic systems. I
VA Rusanov, AV Daneev, E Linke Yu, VN Sizykh, VA Voronov
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 106 (1), 1-42, 2018
Direct method for designing programmed control of nonlinear objects
VV Voronov, EI Druzhinin
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 44 (2), 167-173, 2005
A posteriori simulation of dynamic model of the elastic element of satellite-gyrostat
VA Rusanov, AV Banshchikov, AA Vetrov, VA Voronov, AV Daneev
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 101 (9), 2079-2094, 2017
Synthesis of a combined system for precise stabilization of the Spektr-UF observatory: II
IV Bychkov, VA Voronov, EI Druzhinin, RI Kozlov, SA Ul’yanov, ...
Cosmic Research 52, 145-152, 2014
Constructing 5-chromatic unit distance graphs embedded in the Euclidean plane and two-dimensional spheres
VA Voronov, AM Neopryatnaya, EA Dergachev
Discrete Mathematics 345 (12), 113106, 2022
On realization of dynamic systems: Assessment of fiducial accuracy in the process of adjustment of the realization matrix
VA Rusanov, AV Lakeev, YÉ Linke, VA Voronov
Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 25 (1), 23, 2014
Coverings of planar and three-dimensional sets with subsets of smaller diameter
AD Tolmachev, DS Protasov, VA Voronov
Discrete Applied Mathematics 320, 270-281, 2022
On the chromatic numbers of 3-dimensional slices
DD Cherkashin, AJ Kanel-Belov, GA Strukov, VA Voronov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.02230, 2022
Synthesis of a combined system for precise stabilization of the Spektr UF observatory. I
IV Bychkov, VA Voronov, EI Druzhinin, RI Kozlov, SA Ul’yanov, ...
Cosmic Research 51, 189-198, 2013
Новая вычислительная технология формирования программных управлений в нелинейных системах
СН Васильев, ВА Воронов, ЭИ Дружинин
Тр. XIII Санкт-Петербургской междунар. конф. по интегрированным …, 2006
Прорыв в задаче о раскраске плоскости
АМ Райгородский, В Воронов, АВ Савватеев
Квант, 2-9, 2018
Assessment of Accuracy in the Process of Adjustment of the Identification Matrix
VA Voronov, AV Lakeyev, YE Linke, VA Rusanov
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 47 (7), 2015
Precision programmed scanning of a planet surface by a nonrigid orbital telescope
VA Voronov, EI Druzhinin
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 50, 654-672, 2011
Precision program guidance of an nonrigid orbital telescope
VA Voronov, EI Druzhinin
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 49 (3), 458-471, 2010
Numerical approximation of reachable sets for nonlinear impulsive control systems [Chislennaya approksimaciya mnozhestv dostizhimosti nelinejnyh impulsnyh upravlyaemyh sistem]
DV Apanovich, VA Voronov
Russian Conference with International Participation dedicated to the memory …, 2015
On the chromatic number of 2-dimensional spheres
D Cherkashin, V Voronov
Discrete & Computational Geometry 71 (2), 467-479, 2024
The chromatic number of the plane with an interval of forbidden distances is at least 7
V Voronov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.10163, 2023
First-order complexity of subgraph isomorphism via Kneser graphs
VA Voronov, EA Dergachev, ME Zhukovskii, AM Neopryatnaya
Mathematical Notes 109, 29-37, 2021
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