Peter Wetz
Peter Wetz
PhD, TU Wien
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Cited by
Stream Reasoning for the Internet of Things: Challenges and Gap Analysis
X Su, E Gilman, P Wetz, J Riekki, Y Zuo, T Leppänen
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2016
YABench: A comprehensive framework for RDF stream processor correctness and performance assessment
M Kolchin, P Wetz, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
Web Engineering: 16th International Conference, ICWE 2016, Lugano …, 2016
YABench: A comprehensive framework for RDF stream processor correctness and performance assessment
M Kolchin, P Wetz, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
Web Engineering: 16th International Conference, ICWE 2016, Lugano …, 2016
Linked Widgets - An Approach to Exploit Open Government Data
TD Trinh, BL Do, P Wetz, A Anjomshoaa, AM Tjoa
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Integration …, 2013
Distributed mashups: a collaborative approach to data integration
TD Trinh, P Wetz, BL Do, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
International Journal of Web Information Systems 11 (3), 370-396, 2015
Open Linked Widgets Mashup Platform
TD Trinh, P Wetz, BL Do, A Anjomshoaa, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
Proceedings of the AI Mashup Challenge 2014 co-located with 11th Extended …, 2014
Towards an Environmental Information System for Semantic Stream Data
P Wetz, TD Trinh, BL Do, A Anjomshoaa, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
28th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, 2014
Widget-based Exploration of Linked Statistical Data Spaces
BL Do, TD Trinh, P Wetz, A Anjomshoaa, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
DATA 2014 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Data …, 2014
Ontology-based Data Integration for Corporate Sustainability Information Systems
L Madlberger, A Thöni, P Wetz, A Schatten, AM Tjoa
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Integration …, 2013
Toward a Framework for Statistical Data Integration.
BL Do, PR Aryan, TD Trinh, P Wetz, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
SemStats@ ISWC, 2015
A Web-based Platform for Dynamic Integration of Heterogeneous Data
TD Trinh, D Ba-Lam, P Wetz, A Anjomshoaa, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Integration …, 2014
Linked data processing provenance: towards transparent and reusable linked data integration
TD Trinh, PR Aryan, BL Do, FJ Ekaputra, E Kiesling, A Rauber, P Wetz, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, 88-96, 2017
Statspace: A unified platform for statistical data exploration
BL Do, P Wetz, E Kiesling, PR Aryan, TD Trinh, AM Tjoa
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2016 Conferences …, 2016
Toward a statistical data integration environment: the role of semantic metadata
BL Do, TD Trinh, PR Aryan, P Wetz, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 25-32, 2015
A Drag-and-block Approach for Linked Open Data Exploration
TD Trinh, BL Do, P Wetz, A Anjomshoaa, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data …, 2014
Matching Linked Open Data Entities to Local Thesaurus Concepts.
P Wetz, H Stern, J Jakobitsch, V Pammer
I-SEMANTICS (Posters & Demos), 6-11, 2012
An Autocomplete Input Box for Semantic Annotation on the Web.
TD Trinh, P Wetz, BL Do, PR Aryan, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
VOILA@ ISWC, 97, 2015
Integrating Streaming Data into Semantic Mashups
AM Tjoa, P Wetz, E Kiesling, TD Trinh, BL Do
Procedia Computer Science 72, 1-4, 2015
Semantic mashup composition from natural language expressions: preliminary results
TD Trinh, P Wetz, BL Do, E Kiesling, AM Tjoa
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Integration …, 2015
Leveraging the Web of Data via Linked Widgets
A Anjomshoaa, E Kiesling, DT Tuan, DB Lam, P Wetz, AM Tjoa
Journal of Service Science Research 3, 7-27, 2014
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Articles 1–20