Philippe Laborie
Cited by
Cited by
Algorithms for propagating resource constraints in AI planning and scheduling: Existing approaches and new results
P Laborie
Artificial Intelligence Journal 143 (2), 151–188, 2003
Algorithms for propagating resource constraints in AI planning and scheduling: Existing approaches and new results
P Laborie
Sixth European Conference on Planning, 2001
IBM ILOG CP optimizer for scheduling: 20+ years of scheduling with constraints at IBM/ILOG
P Laborie, J Rogerie, P Shaw, P Vilím
Constraints 23, 210-250, 2018
Planning with sharable resource constraints
P Laborie, M Ghallab
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1995
Reasoning with Conditional Time-Intervals.
P Laborie, J Rogerie
FLAIRS, 555-560, 2008
IBM ILOG CP Optimizer for detailed scheduling illustrated on three problems
P Laborie
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for …, 2009
Self-adapting large neighborhood search: Application to single-mode scheduling problems
P Laborie, D Godard
Proceedings MISTA-07, Paris 8, 2007
A theoretic and practical framework for scheduling in a stochastic environment
J Bidot, T Vidal, P Laborie, JC Beck
Journal of Scheduling 12, 315-344, 2009
Solving Scheduling Problems with Setup Times and Alternative Resources.
F Focacci, P Laborie, W Nuijten
AIPS, 92-101, 2000
Randomized Large Neighborhood Search for Cumulative Scheduling.
D Godard, P Laborie, W Nuijten
ICAPS 5, 81-89, 2005
Constraint-based scheduling and planning
P Baptiste, P Laborie, C Le Pape, W Nuijten
Foundations of artificial intelligence 2, 761-799, 2006
Failure-directed search for constraint-based scheduling
P Vilím, P Laborie, P Shaw
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming: 12th …, 2015
Reasoning with conditional time-intervals. part ii: An algebraical model for resources
P Laborie, J Rogerie, P Shaw, P Vilím
Twenty-Second International FLAIRS Conference, 2009
Complete MCS-based search: Application to resource constrained project scheduling
P Laborie
IJCAI, 181-186, 2005
Monitoring and alarm interpretation in industrial environments
S Cauvin, MO Cordier, C Dousson, P Laborie, F Lévy, J Montmain, ...
Ai Communications 11 (3-4), 139-173, 1998
Mixed integer linear programming and constraint programming models for the online printing shop scheduling problem
WT Lunardi, EG Birgin, P Laborie, DP Ronconi, H Voos
Computers & Operations Research 123, 105020, 2020
An update on the comparison of MIP, CP and hybrid approaches for mixed resource allocation and scheduling
P Laborie
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and …, 2018
IxTeT: an integrated approach for plan generation and scheduling
P Laborie, M Ghallab
Proceedings 1995 INRIA/IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 1995
A time-dependent no-overlap constraint: Application to urban delivery problems
PA Melgarejo, P Laborie, C Solnon
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming: 12th …, 2015
Automatic generation of chronicles and its application to alarm processing in power distribution systems
P Laborie, JP Krivine
International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX’97), 61-68, 1997
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Articles 1–20