Near equipartitions of colored point sets AF Holmsen, J Kynčl, C Valculescu
Computational Geometry 65, 35-42, 2017
12 2017 Schwartz-Zippel bounds for two-dimensional products HN Mojarrad, T Pham, C Valculescu, F de Zeeuw
Discrete Analysis 2017:20, 2017
11 2017 On the number of ordinary conics T Boys, C Valculescu, F De Zeeuw
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 30 (3), 1644-1659, 2016
10 2016 Distinct distances between points and lines in 𝔽q 2 T Pham, ND Phuong, NM Sang, C Valculescu, LA Vinh
Forum Mathematicum 30 (4), 799-808, 2018
8 * 2018 Distinct distances between points and lines M Sharir, S Smorodinsky, C Valculescu, F De Zeeuw
Computational Geometry 69, 2-15, 2018
8 2018 Four-variable expanders over the prime fields D Koh, H Mojarrad, T Pham, C Valculescu
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (12), 5025-5034, 2018
6 2018 Distinct values of bilinear forms on algebraic curves F de Zeeuw, C Valculescu
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 11 (1), 2016
5 * 2016 Algebraic and topological methods in combinatorics AC Vâlculescu
EPFL, 2017
2017 Incidence bounds and applications over finite fields N Duy Phuong, T Pham, NM Sang, C Valculescu, LA Vinh
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1601.00290, 2016
2016 A Note on Direct Products and Contravariant Functors F Pop, C Valculescu
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 39, 173-180, 2016